Chatper 5 Anna's Sickness

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Merida's POV

"Any news of Anna," I asked Elsa. She looked down at her feet. I felt bad for asking, she has an amazing relationship with her.

"It's worse," she sighed. She sat down at the dinner table with the rest of us.

Jack put his arm around her. I looked at Hiccup, who was beside me. I kept looking at his foot. It was so tempting to ask.

"Can I touch it," he randomly asked. I was puzzled.

"Touch what," I asked him back,

"Your hair, sorry it's really tempting," I said. He blushed.

"Sure," I laughed. Then I popped the question "but can I touch your foot?"

"Deal," he smiled.

I felt awkward. Soon his hand was in my hair and I was feeing his leg. It was heavier than I thought. After we were done I only felt more curious.

"So how did you lose it?," I asked.

"I don't know, fire I guess," he shrugged.

Everyone at the table put their dishes away. We walked in the sitting room together. I then felt our hands coming together, next thing I know, we were holding hands. We both smiled and walked over to the coach.

"Merida," he started talking. I nodded along. "I really got to know you over the past few days and," he never finished. We kissed.

I never thought I would ever have feelings for a boy, but it turns out I do. We stopped kissing. We both looked around. Everyone was staring at us. Elsa smiled.

"Guess me and Punzie are forever alone," she said and sighed.

Elsa's POV

I walked over to me and Anna's room. She was in bed reading. I wanted to cry for her.

"Are you ok?," I asked.

"Yea," she replied.

"This is all my fault," I sighed, looking at my hands.

"This isn't your fault,"

"Yes it is, I wish I was normal," I was about to cry now.

"Elsa, I'm doing a better job at taking this in than you and I'm the one dieing," she laughed.

Anna sighed. I got worried. All of the sudden her smile was wiped off.

"It's worse than it's meant to be," she blurted out

"What do you mean?," I asked her.

"I'm Pitch wants to kill us, all six of us," she said.

I wanted to gasp but nothing came out. I was speachless.

"Wha-what?," I was blurted out in shock,"

"He wants you, he's going to try to make you show your secret," she explained.

"What if he kills you," I exlaimed.

I couldn't lose somebody else. I just couldn't. I felt the snow fall around me. Anna tried to call me down but I didn't listen. I couldn't.

Someone's POV

I watch her always. I left for her, I'm here for her. She doesn't yet know about me. They never told her, it would make her question. Being around me is a danger to her, for I am much more powerful yet I can't reverse whatever I do. I keep her safe, like how she keeps the youngest of us safe. One day I'll reveal myself. But not yet.

Pitch's POV

Somehow I was growing fond of Elsa, she reminds me of myself. I know she loves Jack, I really do. She just doesn't know it yet. I need to get him out of the picture, and have her for myself. We could do so much together. I'm coming Elsa, your going to be mine.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to write more today. I would like to thank roksi195 for the idea of Pitch falling for Elsa. This chapter is dedicated to you. Here's a little game for you guys, try to guess who the mystery person is. ;)

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