Chapter 4 Saving Anna

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Elsa's POV

Anna. My head was spinning as I was looking at her. She was on the floor, weak.I could tell by that look on her face that there was something wrong. Something beyond getting kidnapped. I ran over to my sister as fast as I could.

"Anna," I said as I stroked her hair.

"Elsa," she panicked weakly on the floor.

"Sshh," I shushed her but she get insisting.

"You have to get out of here," she said. Her eyes widened for I refused to leave.

A chill ran down my spine as I heard the familier laughter. Pitch. "Elsa!," Jack called behind me. I swallowed a breathe and stood up and faced him. Fear, my worst enemy. I mimicked the trolls. When I froze Anna for the first time the trolls said the exact same thing to me. Pitch had been my enemy long before I had joined the Big Six.

"Well, it's about time you show up," he said to me. Somehow these words were grabbing on to my soul and squeezing it tightly.

I took a deep breathe as I looked at him. "Give me back my sister Pitch," I said to him.

He laughed at me. "Your sister isn't a toy Elsa, although she can be broken," he said to me. I knew that he was trying to make me reveal my secret in front of Jack. I had to keep my cool but it was getting to me.

"Pitch, enough," I said trying to keep calm.

"Well Elsa, what are you going to do about it, I got your sister," he mocked.

"Enough Pitch," I replied getting stressed out.

"TELL ME ELSA, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?," I mocked me again getting paranoid.

"I said ENOUGH," I yelled as a blast of ice shot out.

Pitch dodges and the ice lands on the wall. I looked back at Jack. He looked horrified.

Jack's POV

I stared at Elsa, did she just reveal her secret in front of me? I felt so...happy. I finally met a girl like me. I liked Elsa ever since I saw her and maybe with this newfound bond...I can learn even more about her. But she looked like she was about to cry. I was going to go make her feel better but a battle between her and Pitch had begun,

Elsa's POV

I shot another blast of ice at Pitch. He shot nightmare sang at me but I blocked it. He tryed to hit me with and arrow but I made an ice shield to defend myself. Think Elsa think. Then it came to me. I smirked at Pitch.

"Do you want to build a snowman," I asked him mockingly.

"What?," he asked confused.

I made a huge snowball and threw it at him. He yelled as it struck him.

"This isn't over," he warned and then puts this weird spell over Anna. Nothing seemed to have happened at first but she was weaker.

I glanced a look at Jack and started crying. He hugged me "It's ok," he reasures me. He nudged me a little. I laughed but it quickly faded away when my though came back to Anna. Jack carried Anna back to the sleigh. Everyone gasped at the state of Anna.

"I'll try to heal her back at the workshop," Rapunzel told me.

We all got in the sleigh and I sat beside Jack. "Jack," I said to him "you have to promise not to tell anyone about my powers."

He sighed when suddenly the sleigh went downhill. "Man down," North yelled as the sleigh was falling to the ground "low fuel!"

The sleigh was about to crash, The only thing that could save it was me and Jack's ice powers. Jack jumped straight to the job, freezing one side of the ground so the sleigh could land easily.

"Elsa help me," he yelled.

"I can't I don't no how!," I replied, grabbing my hand.

"Yes you can do what you did back at the cave," he replied in hope that I would reacht.

I hesitated. Just then the sleigh crashes in a rock. Everyone got off angrily. Luckily the workshop wasn't far from where we were. Jack looked at me and sighed. When we got back to the workshop we quickly layed Anna down on a coach. Rapunzel rushes to her.

"Its ok," she reasures her. He put her her on Anna and started to sing.

Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, let the clock reverse and bring back what once was mine, heal what has been hurt, change the faith's design, heal what has been hurt, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine. Her hair finished glowing. However nothing happened, she was still ill.

"That's not normal," she announced.

"Whatever sort of magic Pitch put on her must be so strong that it fights back your magic," Jack explained.

It was all so clear. The spell was killing Anna slowly. She was dieing,

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