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Madeline's POV

I could end this all right now. Save Reid from heartbreak. Save the BAU from this horror show. Save myself from 10 more years of nightmares. 

I texted David's number from my phone, leaving it on Reid's desk so that they couldn't track me. I glanced in the conference room through the window's, seeing Reid with his hand in his hair, the other with a cup of coffee in it. 

I smiled to myself before turning and leaving the BAU, leaving my friends, leaving him. I told David to meet me in our old place. The lake by where we used to live. Where David used to take me out on the boat.

I got there before him, sitting on the big boulder in front of the lake, shivering against the cold. I was there for about 10 minutes when I heard it. 

I turned around. "David?"

I didn't hear anything for a few seconds before turning back around to the lake where the moonlight hit the water. I had this overwhelming surge of emotions as I choked on a sob. Someone threw a black hood over my head and grabbed me from the back. They hit me over the head and I was unconscious.

I woke up on a chair, my hair was wet, and I had a hospital gown on. Instant pain spread across my head, making me wince. 

"Good morning, sunshine," David's voice echoed through the small room. "I made you hot coffee, I didn't know how you liked it so it's just black."

"David, where are we?" I asked, trying to sit up but my hands were tied down.

"This is only the basement but I found the perfect place for us," he said, letting me take a sip of coffee. "I have everything we need. Food, drinks, electricity, everything."

"David," I said, my voice cracking. "Can you untie my hands?"

"Not yet," he said, pacing around the room. "Not yet."

Reid's POV

"Where would she go?" Morgan asked.

"She's obviously giving herself over to David," I said to them, looking at the evidence board. "When David attacked Madeline, he said that everything wasn't perfect yet, maybe he's bought somewhere for them to live?"

"There's nothing traced back to him." Garcia shook her head.

"Right after David got out of prison, where was his first credit card purchase?" I asked.

"His first purchase was an ice cream stand by Lake Smith." Garcia said.

"Madeline used to swim in that lake with her sister when she was little," I said to them. "It could be significant to him."

"Okay, he wouldn't go small for their life to be perfect, he would go big, like way too big," JJ said. "But he couldn't buy anything big without big money, which he didn't have, so abandoned house?"

I nodded, thinking.

"What is it, kid?" Morgan asked.

"Garica," I said to her. "Check my credit cards for purchases in the last 48 hours."

She furrowed her eyebrows before typing, looking back up at me. "You purchased construction tools, groceries, and paint."

"Where in Virginia?"


"That's almost two hours away." Hotch said.

"Check 5 or more bedroom houses that were never put back on the market in the past 20 years." I said to them.

Strange Love// Spencer Reid// Criminal MindsWhere stories live. Discover now