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"C'mon David, you can't tell me anything?" I crossed my arms, meeting his eyes.

"Look, Miss Brookes, with all due respect, you're just a lousy reporter looking for a story to twist my words for an extra buck." He said to me.

"Okay, slightly offended," I scoffed, putting my hands on my hips. "Actually, I'm a journalist who wants to real reason as to why you put in a complaint on the BAU."

"You gonna write a nasty report on the BAU?"

I nodded, lying. "If that's what it takes." 

"You know that boy who lived down the street who killed those 3 girls?" He asked, caving. 

I nodded, meeting his eyes. "Yes."

"When they came to question me, Derek Morgan burst into my house like I was the one that did it," he scoffed. "Him and his little team were just rude and acted like they were better than anyone 'round here."

"Mhm," I said to him. "Thank you for your time, David."

He nodded and turned back to his so called house, which should be called a trailer. I got back into my car and grabbed my phone, dialing Spencer's number.

He answered after three rings. "Hello?"

"Hi, Spencer, we need to meet." I said, turning back towards the city.

"Um-I'm out of town right now," he paused. "But, I-I should back tonight if-if you wanted to meet then?"

"That sounds wonderful," I said, merging into traffic. "See you tonight."

"See you tonight, Madeline." He said before hanging up.

I dialed another number before putting it back up to my ear. "Hi, this is Madeline Brookes from Quantico News and I was-"

"Look, Madeline, you know we can't give you anything." A woman cut me off.

"Look Cindy, I just have a question." I pleaded with her.

"One question."

"The Charleston case last week, the lead on it was Derek Morgan," I said to her. "What was the mood of Agent Morgan that week? Had anything happened outside of the BAU?"

"Madeline, you know I can't say anything."

"Cindy, I write good articles about the BAU," I said. "I keep their public figure spotless."

She was quiet for a second. "Fine, as far as I know, him and Savanna had a big fight."

"Thank you, Cindy."

"Mhm." She grumbled before hanging up.

I worked for Quantico News online where I wrote articles about the successes of the Behavioral Analysis Unit here in Quantico. Since I was little, I always loved writing about the more dark things that happened around the city, and now I used everyone and everything that I could to get any kind of info to start a new article.

Spencer Reid and I were friends that occasionally shared each other work experiences. He, however, gave me things that I could write about. He was a reliant source. The one thing that I thoroughly enjoyed was when we got together for coffee and told me all about his cases.

I've been covering the BAU for about 2 years and have done nothing but raised the status of their work. More people respect them due to my articles.

My official title was Newspaper Journalist, but I told most people that I was an Investigative Journalist just to stay within the comfort zone. Or not to be arrested for not being in my place.

I went back to my office after grabbing lunch, sitting down in my seat, starting to type up my new article. I was pulled from my thoughts as someone knocked on the door frame. I looked up, seeing my boss, Anderson, standing in the doorway.

"Hey." I said, leaning back in my chair.

"Hey," he smiled at me. "Your last article was a huge hit, magazines are featuring it all around the city, I guess you're getting that raise you wanted."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Andy."

He nodded, still leaning against the door. "What are you working on now?"

"This guy put in a complaint on Agent Morgan and I just finished talking to him," I said, typing onto my laptop. "I'm gonna use the harassment point of view from him and get a quote from Spencer about Morgan's well being."

Anderson chuckled. "Have you ever thought about taking a higher position?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine where I am, there's no need to change it."

"Alright," he smiled at me. "Madeline Brookes, you're one special lady."

"So I've heard."


That night, I sat down at the usual coffee shop where Spencer and I met up. I ordered Spencer's usual black coffee, putting almost an entire bucket of sugar and a couple cremes. I, on the other hand, tried something new every time we met.

I figured that by the time I've finished my writing career, I would have tried everything on the menu and more. Spencer sat down in front of me, setting his satchel to the side. He took a sip of his coffee and smiled at me. 

"Hello, Madeline." He smiled at me.

"Hello, Spencer." I returned the smile.

"What kind of drink did you order this time?" He chuckled.

For the entirety of 2 years, the two of us have been great friends who met, most of the time to cover a story, but also talked about everything else. Spencer Reid was the most intelligent, yet socially awkward human I have ever met. He didn't have much self confidence nor any social skills, but he was the most adorable human I've ever met. 

He had brown eyes that were the color of chocolate, he obviously didn't get enough sleep which put the purplish color underneath his eyes. When he smiled, it was the most attractive thing I've ever seen. 

"I'm not sure," I laughed, poking it with a straw. "It was next on the menu."

"You look good," he said, taking another sip of coffee. "Have that look in your eyes, the-uh the one you've always got when you're onto something."

"You know how I feel about being profiled, Doctor Reid." I smirked.

He looked down, tracing the edge of his coffee cup. "Sorry."

"It's all right, Spencer," I smiled. "Now, why we're really here."

"Of course, what secrets do I owe to you?" He asked, crossing his legs, making him look taller.

"You and Morgan are close friends, I know that," I said, pulling out my notebook. "I'm just wondering about the well being of Agent Morgan."

"You know that Morgan and Savannah has a fight, right?" he asked as I nodded. "He's just been distracted, but nothing affected his work conduct."

"You remember David Greenwald, yes?"

He nodded. 

"He put in a complaint about Derek and I'm writing an article using an harassment card on his race," I said. "And you're saying that Derek's work was unaffected by personal afflictions?"

"Yes." He nodded again.

"Okay," I smiled, putting my notebook away. "That's it."

I picked up my bag and started to put it over my shoulder when Spencer stopped me.

"Do you have to leave?"

I turned and smiled at him, setting my things back down. "No, I can stay a bit longer."

He smiled, looking into his cup of coffee. 

"Tell me about your case today."

He smiled to himself before sighing. "Well.."

Strange Love// Spencer Reid// Criminal MindsWhere stories live. Discover now