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Reid's POV

I woke up the next morning, my arms wrapped around Madeline. An instant smile spread across my face as she snuggled into my chest, her arm sprawled across my abdomen. I turned on my side, my lips pressing against hers, waking her.

She stirred, laughing as I placed kisses all over her face. She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck as I hovered over her.

"Hey, babe." I smiled, meeting her eyes.

"Hi, Spencer."

She sighed, getting out of bed and stretching, running her hands through her hair. "I think I'm going to take a shower."

"I will order breakfast." I said, kissing her lips quickly.

I watched as she went into the bathroom, the water turning on behind her. I was about to pick up the hotel room phone and order breakfast when my cell phone rang from the bedside table. 


"Hey Pretty Boy," Morgan sung from the other side of the phone. "How's San Bernardino?"

"It's good," I said quickly. "What's up?"

"We've got a case."

I groaned. "We're about to head to the airport in a couple hours, so we'll see you in a few."

"So, I take it last night went well?"

I looked up just as Madeline came back into the room, her hair wet, a towel wrapped around her body. 

"I'll see you later, Morgan." I said and hung up.

She smiled at me, raising her eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"We've got a case," I sighed. "I really want to stay."

"It's okay," she said to me. "You've got a job to do, as do I."

I looked up at her in surprise. "This doesn't bother you?"

She sat down beside me. "I mean, yeah, but we've both got a job to do, I understand that."

"I am so in love with you." I grinned, pressing my lips against hers as a laugh escaped her mouth.

We grabbed breakfast on the way to the jet, where the ride was mostly silent, just the two of us enjoying each other's presence. We got to HQ as she turned to look at me, a smile still on her face.

"Do you want to come in and say hello to the team?" I asked her.

She started to smile bigger. "Heck yeah."

"Are we telling them?" She asked me in the elevator ride.

"Hm," I smirked. "Let them figure it out."

She laughed, pressing her lips against my cheek. The elevator doors opened and we both walked out and into the BAU bullpen where Morgan was the first to approach us.

"Hey there lovebirds, how was San Bernardino?" He smirked.

We both turned, looked at each other, and shrugged. "It was all right."

Soon the entire team was in front of us, including Hotch, an evident smirk plastered on their faces. God, they were nosy.

"How was it?"

"It was good," I chuckled. "Madeline wanted to come up and say hello to everyone."

"Hello." She grinned, waving at them.

They all gave 'hey' and 'hello' back before I walked her towards the elevator.

"They're so confused, it's hilarious," she laughed, stopping outside the doors of the BAU. "So, you wanna come over tonight?"

I smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't miss it."

She stood on her toes, taking my face in her hands before pressing her lips against mine in another kiss. I smiled, kissing her back before pulling back, my forehead pressing against hers. She laughed, meeting my eyes. 

"I love you, Spencer."

"I love you more." I smiled, kissing her lips quickly before watching her leave.

I bit my lip as I walked back over to everyone, who stood in shock. "So, you two are together?"

"What makes you say that?" I chuckled.

"You two just kissed." JJ said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Madeline's POV

I got to work that day, greeting my boss with coffee.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Madeline Brookes would be bringing me coffee." Anderson smiled.

"Hm, there's a day for everything."

I turned and started towards my office when Anderson called me back. "Hey, Madeline, these came for you."

I turned around as he picked up a huge bouquet of daises from behind his desk. I immediately thought that they were from Reid, until I picked up the card.

'I thought that a woman as beautiful as you deserved flowers just as beautiful

How are you, My Sweet Darling? '

My heart nearly stopped as my breath caught in my throat and suddenly I felt dizzy. 

"Madeline, are you all right?" Anderson asked, his hand on my arm.

"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "No, I'm fine, sorry."

"Who're they from?"

"Uh, an old friend of my family." 


I paced around my apartment, waiting for my mom to answer the phone.

"Hey, honey, what a nice surp-"

"David is out?" I cut her off.


"You didn't think to tell me?" I asked her angrily.

"Honey, that was almost ten years ago.."

"This doesn't make this any more real, Mom, how could you not tell me? You know what he did to-"

"He didn't do anything to you, Madeline," she yelled. "He didn't do anything to you or your sister."

"He sent me flowers today, thanks for letting me know he was back, Mother." I said, hanging up.

I sighed, sitting down on the couch as the hot tears flowed down my face. I stood up, anger pulsing through my veins as I balled my hands into fists. I was about to let out my wrath of fury when someone knocked on my door, scaring the crap out of me.

I looked through the peephole, half expecting David to be there, waiting, but instead, Spencer was on the other side, a take-out box in his hand.

Shit. I totally forgot he was coming.

I wiped my face before opening the door, meeting his eyes. "Hey!"

"Hi," he said, kissing my cheek quickly before coming in. "I picked up some take out for us tonight."

"I see."

He turned around and looked at me, squinting his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing.."

"You've been crying," he said, taking my face in his hands. "What's wrong?"

"Really, Spencer, it's just my mom, it's fine," I lied. "How about a movie?"

He hesitated before nodding, kicking his shoes off and taking a spot on the couch beside me. I turned on some movie on Netflix, not really paying attention to it. I tried to pay attention, to focus on even just being in Reid's arms, but I couldn't stop thinking about David.

Was he really back? For me?

There were so many different variables that I couldn't even calculate in my head. I looked up at Reid, ready to tell him everything, but I knew that I shouldn't. That he had his own things to worry about, including work, he didn't need this. He didn't need my problems. 

He smiled, kissing my lips softly.

Strange Love// Spencer Reid// Criminal MindsWhere stories live. Discover now