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Arika's Pov
They found Aiden in the city destroying everything. We got there as soon as we could. The city looks like an earthquake and tornado pass through the city at the same time.
"We can split up but in teams! Aiden will look for the ones that weak and alone!" Everyone nodded and we all paired up. Superboy with Miss Martian. Aqualad with Zatanna. Kid Flash with Artemis and me with Robin. We ran down the streets, splinting up.
"Let's find Aiden!" Shouted Robin. I nodded my head and let my ears perk up. I also raised my head to try to catch his scent. I smell blood, rust, metal, fires, sweat, dogs, cats, birds, and other things except Aiden. I hear screaming, pain, buildings crashing, everyone running, and so much more i didn't want to hear. I didn't want to hear nor smell these things but i have to find Aiden. I look at Robin and see him determent to find Aiden and make him pay for everything he has done.
"ROBIN! HE'S AT A DINOSAUR MUSEUM!! He nodded and change direction. I follow him. We ran for a while. Changing direction every so often . The museum is in view and there standing in front of it is Aiden. He has blood all over him and a bloody knife in his right hand. He's smiling. We stop in front of him a couple of feet away from him.
"~Arika, you came back~" he said in a creepy voice.
"I didn't come here to be with you. I came to stop you. " I said to him. His smile faded and turn into a frown. He look down and his eyes are being cover by his face.
"It's his fault. Isn't it." He said suddenly
"What?" He raise his face and he has a raging looking face.
"IT'S HIS FAULT!!" He said pointing to Robin. I look at Robin. Aiden ran to Robin full speed. Robin did the same thing taking out a long rod.
"Your the one that's in fault!" Robin shouted back. They both clash. I stare at shock. I didn't know why. Maybe i'm scared. Scared that i might lose Robin. Robin side dodge Aiden's stab. Aiden swayed his hand ripping a part of Robin's suit. Aiden smile at the thought that he almost got him. Robin swung at Aiden and hit his leg. Aiden yelp in pain. Why can't i move? I need to help Robin. Move. Just move. Aiden charge at Robin cutting his cheek. Blood ran down his cheek. Its all my fault. If i just listen to Aiden none of this wouldn't have happen.
"Aiden! Stop please! Robin you too!" They didn't listen to me. They just kept on fighting. Cuts and bruises on Robin. Cuts and bruises on Aiden.
"THAT'S IT! STOP IT! STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!" They both stop and stare at me. I took out my knife and charge at Aiden. He dodge and i was next to robin. "IF YOU WANT ME YOU GOT ME!!" I charge at him swinging my knife towards him and kicking. He kept on dodging. I got him a few times.
"Arika stop! I don"t want to hurt you!" He pleaded.

"I HATE YOU! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO LOVE ME! INSTEAD YOUR FIGHTING ME! IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU THEN NO ONE CAN!" He scream. He swung his knife towards my stomach. I blocked him with mine. I took steps back and he came forward swinging his knife towards my face. I quickly took steps to the right but i wasn't quick enough. He scratch my right eye and cut some of my hair.
"ARIKA!!!!" Robin went running to me.
"NO!! STAY BACK!!" I force a shield around Aiden and i. No one can come in and no one can come out. I cover my eye with my hand and attack Aiden. I raise my knife and try to aim at his face. When he cover his face i stabbed him in the stomach. Aiden jump back and i was only able to stab him a little.
"ARIKA LET ME IN!! LET ME HELP YOU!!" Scream Robin. I ignore him and kept on fighting Aiden. I kick him in the stomach and fell rolling down. I ran at him but he got up quickly and upper cut me. I fell on the floor. Aiden stood above me with a crazy smile on his face. He stab down his knife. I roll away and got up. I swipe my feet towards his feet and he fell. I kick him but he grab my leg. I use my other leg and stomp on his stomach. I twisted my foot on his wound i made him. My blood and his mixing together.
"AAAGGGHHH!!!" He scream. He stab my leg and i fell back in pain. He stood up and held on his stomach. I got up my eye close but blood still pouring out. We look at each other with glares.

Robin's Pov
I bang on the force field but i couldn't get in. Arika and Aiden are just standing there looking at each other.
"Robin! What's wrong!?" I look in back of me and see the whole team.
"Arika! She won't let me in!" Everyone stare at the force field. Miss Martian called out to Arika but she ignore her. We all started to try to break the force field but to no use. Arika charge at Aiden first. She raise her knife and try to stab him in the face. Aiden dodge it and flip her over him. Arika fell on the floor. Aiden jump on her. Arika kick him in the stomach sending him flying off. She got up and stab down. Hitting only concrete Aiden roll away. He got up and kick her in the stomach making Arika rolling on the floor. She got in a crawling position. She stay like that for a while. Then she started to cough up blood.
"ARIKA!! ARIKA!! PLEASE LET US HELP YOU!! PLEASE LET US IN!!!" She nodded her head no and got up. Aiden charge at her. She ran at him too. They both clash their knives together. Arika knee him in the stomach. He lost balance and Arika stab him in the shoulder.She took the knife and twisted it then pull it out. Aiden fell on the floor.
"AAAGGGHHH!!! YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" He kick Arika and she took the hit.

She wince in pain. Aiden got up and swung his knife at Arika. Blood is everywhere. Arika's and Aiden's. Arika got stab in the stomach. Aiden was so close they were touching each others bodies. Arika Stab Aiden between his eyes. They look at each other. Arika cough and blood pour out of her mouth. Aiden look happy. The force field Arika made Disappear. Arika moved her lips saying something to Aiden. Aiden smile faded. Aiden fell on the floor closing his eyes. He took the knife he stab into Arika. Arika started to fall. I ran towards her.

Arika's Pov
I stab Aiden in the head. Between his eyes. He stab me and i'm pretty sure he stab my heart. I'm not going to live. *cough, cough* Blood spur out of my mouth. I look at Aiden. He's smiling.
"I always loved you. You just destroyed that love." His smile faded. Then he fell, taking his and my knife with him. Pain went threw my body. I started to fall.
"ARIKA!!" I hear Robin and he others running. I never hit the concrete like Aiden. Instead i saw those beautiful green eyes i always love.
"D-Dick." I said smiling. Tears fell off of him.
"Arika. It's okay. Help is coming on the way." He said crying.
"D-D-Dick. I-I'm n-"
"Don't speak save your energy. Please." I nodded my head no.
"I-I'm n-not going t-to make i-it. I-I-I love you." *cough, cough, cough* More blood came out of my mouth.
"Arika! Don't say that. Please I love you too much to let go." A stream of tears made it's way down my cheeks.
"E-Ever since i-i met y-y-you, m-my life h-has b-b-been the b-best thing t-that's ever happen t-to m-me. M-M-Move on when i p-pass. D-D-Don't hold back in y-your life b-because of m-me." My eye lids feel heavy. "Take care of h-him for m-me g-guys." I saw them all nod. Artemis, Zatanna, Wally, Aqualad, Conner, and Megan all crying. "Dick, d-do m-me o-one more f-favor."
"Anything." He said looking me in the eyes.
"K-Kiss m-me." He lean down and kiss me passionately but soft and sweet. I close my eyes. I smile into the kiss. Then i fell into a deep slumber.

Don't worry. I'm making a happy ending. A different one. I wanted this to be originally a sad ending but i hate them. They're beautiful but well sad. I'm going to also make a happy ending. So don't worry. I'll start on the happy ending right now. To be honest i kinda cried a little writing this. Enjoy  

Arika's Numbness~Sequel to The Joker's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now