Chapter 9

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Arika's Pov
What happen? I'm ok? I look at my hands. No! I'm not okay. Oh my gosh I've, I've transform back. I grab my hair and look at it. No white. I touch the top of my head and feel two soft cat ears. My tail. White and on the tip grey. I look at my clothes. no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Why! I stood up slowly.
"~Arika~" My ears perk up when i heard Aiden call my name. A shiver ran down my spin. I look at him. He looks so happy. That wild grin on his face and those eyes. I took steps back.
"Arika, i'm your brother." He open his arms. He's waiting, maybe he thought i would jump in his arms. He put down his arms and his grin turn into a frown.
"Arika?" He asked with a deadly aura surrounding him.
"Why?" My voice change. I touch my throat. I lower my ears and tail.
"Why, what?" He asked.
"Why would you hurt people? Why would you hurt me?" I said.

I couldn't help but look Innocent. My voice sounded soft.
"To get you back!" He shouted. He walk closer to me. I step back. "Why are you scared of me?" He stop in front of me. "Why don't you love me?" He looks hurt.
"I"m still the same person but different forms." I said looking at my friends. They can't see me. That's good but i can't leave them. "Free my friends." I said
"No, your mine." He reach to grab my hand. I back away from him, not letting him touch me.
"Don't touch me." I said
"Why are you like this. Turn back to the girl i use to love." He said getting mad.
"I was always the same girl. Now if you won't free them then i'll do it." I walk away. He stood frozen. I walk over to my friends. I would know if Aiden moves i can hear him.

Dick's Pov
I have to get away. I need to save Arika. I look at the direction the light use to be. Then a girl is coming. Wait she's not a girl. She had ears and a tail. What? How is this possible? She's smiling. She looks so beautiful with her white hair. Her grey eyes look so similar. Wait! Is that Arika.
"W-Who are you?" Ask Zatanna
"I would ask the same question if i was in your shoes." Her voice is so soft and angle like.
"Arika?" I said. She look at me with a small smile and nodded.
"I'm sorry." She said crying.

No i should be the one saying sorry. "I've probably cause you guys so much pain." She continued
"Don't say your sorry." I said looking at her. Tears fell off my cheeks. "I should be the one saying that. You never cause us pain. Only happiness. Look, that girl attack me. I try to get her off but damn that girl is strong. I only have one girl in my mind and that's you."
"Even if i look like this. This is how i really look like." She said looking down. I know it's a bad timing but damn she looks cute.
"Arika, you're still you. No matter how you look like i will always love you." Tears fell off of her cheeks. She smiles.
"Let me help you get out of this thing." She said. She raise both her arms and closed her eyes. A big white flash light appear. I close my eyes. The brightness was too well bright. The light went away. I rub my eyes and open them. Wait. I can move my hands! I stood up and look at Arika. At least i'm still taller than her. She looks at me with a worry expression. I went up to her and hug her.

Arika's Pov
I'm shock. He hug me. I snap out of it and hug him back. He pull back. He held my cheek. Then his lips met mine. I happily accept. His kiss was soft, passionate, and sweet. He pull back. My cheeks are red like a ripe tomato. His face is the same. I see him smile and i smiled back.
"Um.. we still have to deal with some things." Said Artemis. I blush even more and let him go. He did the same. My ears perked up by the sound of footsteps. Aiden.
"Aiden is moving." As i finish that Robin ran towards the hill. Then the rest of us follow. 

Arika's Numbness~Sequel to The Joker's DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin