Chapter Thirty-Five- Lanterns

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Hal, John, and Carol led Jaina, her family, and representatives from each corps to the location just outside Coast City, where the guardians waited with the Justice League. The combined fleets of Hapes and the New Republic fleet set up a blockade around the planet along with the rest of the corps, led by Guy, in order to prevent Black Lanterns from breaking through.

"Mama!" Jaina could hear Allana's scream when they'd scarcely breached the atmosphere. And Zekk could barely keep the girl tethered to the ground as Tenel Ka ran and embraced her daughter in a one-armed hug. Han hugged Allana tightly, but Leia kept her distance, as she was from everyone, she didn't want to hurt anyone with the napalm-like blood that was dripping from her mouth. Guilt tugged at Jaina's heart. She should have asked her mother before cursing her like this.

Zekk looked the Jedi master up and down, then turned to smirk at Jaina, "Loving the new look, Master Skywalker."

"It's actually surprisingly comfortable," Luke chuckled.

Ben pouted. "I want one."

"We're working on getting word out to every government on Earth, but it's hard to get them to trust the League after everything that's happened, and it's even harder to get them to trust that aliens are going to help them." Batman explained, unperturbed by the newcomers.

"I suppose we have Godfrey to thank for that." Jaina huffed.

"I'll be sure to send him a card," A voice spoke up from the crowd.

"Nightwing?" Jaina whispered. She hand't seen him in weeks. He'd disappeared right after Wally had, she hadn't even gotten to say goodbye.

She blinked, and ice-blue eyes were framed by sandy-brown hair for an instant before fading to black again. All the same, she hugged him as tightly as she could with her one arm, wishing again for both her arms so that she could hold Grayson tightly, never let him go, and keep him protected the way that she couldn't with her brothers, or with Wally.

"Where's Jessica?" She asked suddenly, alarmed that she couldn't feel her padawan nearby.

"Right here!" Power Ring landed with Blue Beetle, both of them out of breath.

"Sorry, got caught up in El Paso. It was all over the news- Ted Kord's grave was dug up. It's empty now!" Blue reported.

The League went quiet. The Guardians paid them no mind, most of the Corps members had begun to assist them in their excavation.

As Batman cleared his throat to speak, a tiny beep came from Aquaman's comm. After a moment, he turned back to the group.

"I have just received word from Atlantis. Aquagirl's tomb is empty."

Kaldur set his face firmly, but his fists trembled as he clenched them, his eyes shut against the tears.

Jaina was the first to place her hand on his shoulder, followed by Nightwing and Superboy. Miss Martian and Tigress both hugged him tightly, followed by Zatanna and Rocket.

"We're here for you, Kal," Nightwing whispered.

"Agent A, check the memorials," Batman briskly spoke into his comms before turning back to the group.

"The graves of our fallen comrades have been desecrated. Brakiss and his master know what's going to hurt us and they're going to use it against us. Brace yourselves." Batman said.

Jaina turned to Artemis, who was now staring at the ground with rage in her eyes. At Tenel Ka, who set her eyes straight ahead at the dig site, ignoring Allana's questions of what Batman meant. At her father, who wouldn't look at her, but tried to comfort her mother, who wouldn't let him.

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