Chapter Five- Alpha Squad

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Updating because I'm late for Hal Jordan's birthday, which is the day after Batman's. Must be chaos for the League on the years when they're both not off in space. But here's an extra-long chapter to make up for the lateness.

The sass in that gif tho.

"Oh really? And would you feel the need to justify an all-male squad for a given mission?"

Jaina leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows at the transmission screen.

"There's, uh... no right answer for that, is there? Nightwing out." The team's leader said nervously, hurriedly ending the transmission.

The red-headed Batgirl smirked. "Queen Bee isn't the only one who can mess with a man's mind."

Jaina gave a loud, unladylike snort, and the bioship's cabin rang with laughter.

A few minutes later, Alpha Squad reached Bialya.

"Approaching the first coordinates." Miss Martian said. Young Cassie leaned forward over Jaina's shoulder, looking out the Bioship's  front viewport eagerly. 

Jaina held up her ring. "Scanning for extraterrestrial activity." Strangely, the last time she was in Bialya, she was doing the exact same thing. The memory sent tingles down her spine, but Jaina quickly suppressed them as her ring beeped a negative. 

"There's nothing here." Bubmlebee stood up and leaned over the dashboard. The one warehouse they could spot was unguarded, dark, and its bay doors were wide open.

"Bioship isn't sensing any life-forms." Miss Martian said. 

"Either Queen Bee suddenly got a lot stupider, or they're using some cloaking-"

"Already scanned for holograms. Nada." Jaina cut off Karen.

"What about magic?"

"Magic makes the ring a little angry, like what happened with Blue, but on a lot less grander scale. I just barely got it to like Zatanna before I left the first time."

"Huh, noted." Cassie pursed her lips.

Batgirl pulled up her list, "First spot's a dud. On to the next."

"Aw!" Cassie slumped back into her seat as The bioship flew off.

Jaina reached over and rubbed her hair with a lopsided grin. "Don't worry kid, I've got a feeling there'll be plenty of butts to kick before the night is over." That seemed to cheer Cassie up immensely.

"And plenty of breakfast to eat when we get back," Karen added.

"Approaching second coordinates." M'gann said just a moment later. The bioship certainly had gotten faster since Jaina was last on Earth.

They arrived at the second location only to get the same results. Same with the third, and the fourth, on and on until they reached the last set of coordinates where the Watchtower had detected boom tube activity.

"An area this packed with Bialyans has to be holding alien tech of some kind!" Wonder Girl was shaking with excitement, trying not to squeal as the five of them hid the bioship off a ways and stealthily trekked to a spot where they could get a closer look without being detected.

"I'm definitely sensing something not of Earth in the area, and it's not Oan or Martian," Jaina said over Miss Martian's psychic link.

"Our job is to find out what," Miss Martian took charge. "Batgirl, you take the north bunker. Bee, the middle. I'll take the third. Green Lantern, Wonder Girl, hold position."

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