Chapter Nineteen- Anger

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Sorry for the Evil!Kaldur and AquaLantern angst last chapter. Have a gif of Adam Strange being adorable.

Also sorry for the One Direction song if that's not your style, but I felt like it was the book's theme at the moment.

Jaina fidgeted in her seat on the bioship, wishing that M'gann could make the blasted thing go faster, but Nightwing had told her five times already: "If we go any faster, they'll see us. Besides, we can only go as fast as the Manta flyer if we want them to lead us to Lagoon Boy and the others." So he said it a sixth time, just in case she'd misheard the last five.

"How do you know, for sure, that they'll lead us to Jess and Jaime and Bart and Gar and La'gaan?" Wonder Girl pointed out, biting her lip hesitantly.

Nightwing finally shut off his kriffing computer and looked at the other three women in the ship with him. "Wishful thinking?"

"And the abductee shipment at the docks, was that wishful thinking too?" Jaina snapped, slumped so far in her seat that she was almost upside-down. 

Nightwing stiffened, his voice suddenly colder than when he'd been answering Cassie's question.

"Aquaman found the intel while searching for Lagoon Boy." He looked Jaina in the eyes, trying to convince her.

Jaina looked away, back out the window as the water passed by outside. "Of course he did."

M'gann brought the bioship to a sudden stop, through an unbuckled Jaina from her seat and on top of Bee, who beeped, annoyed. 

"So that's the Light's new partner," Nightwing stood up. Jaina dusted herself off and copied him, leaning forward to get a better look through the dark ocean waters. She could just barely see the flyer they'd followed docking somewhere in the bottom half.

"That ship shares the same design sensibility as the bombs that destroyed Malina Island and Mount Justice!" Nightwing noted.

"Well, whatever it is, my ring doesn't like it," Jaina growled, looking down at her glowing and shaking fist.

Cassie squinted at the bug-like ship, easily twenty times the size of the bioship. "Kinda reminds me of Blue's armor," she put in.

They all stared at the ship for a moment more.

"Miss M, you're up." Nightwing said, taking her place in the pilot's seat. 

M'gann nodded, growing gils on her neck and pulling up her hood for invisibility before shifting through the floor of the ship.

"Alpha squad, I'm sneaking aboard the alien vessel. Are you aboard?"

"Affirmative," Batgirl confirmed. "We're in some sort of docking bay, and we've got eyes on the aliens, aka the Krolotean's competitor, aka the Light's partner- and we've got other company. It's Aqualad. If he makes us, we're through."

"Stay whelmed, he won't be looking for you!" Nightwing said.

"Yeah, but he could still spot 'em," Jaina pointed out, trying to be realistic, not a downer.

"I found Gar and Bart and Jessica!" M'gann exclaimed. 

"Jessica!" Jaina cried, hoping to get a response and assure her apprentice that she was here.

"They're unconcious, but they're still alive," M'gann told Jaina apologetically. "Still no sign of Jaime or La'gaan."

"We've got eyes on Lagoon Boy!"  Batgirl reported. "And...Shimmer? Plus, four teens and all the people we came with." 

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