Chapter Fifteen- "Okay"

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So guess who finally read DC's "Blackest Night:" run??

Moi, and IT WAS SO COOL!!!

I based their therapy session off of the ones I do with my mom and my therapist.

"Recognize, Green Lantern, B10."

"Hey," Nightwing nodded at her.

"Where's Jessica?" She asked. 

Connor pointed down the hall with his thumb. "Dinah's got her in therapy. She said if you came in to join them."

"Thanks." She nodded.

Arriving outside the waterfall room, Jaina stared down the door for a couple minutes before knocking.

"We're busy!" Dinah yelled at the door.

"It's Jaina, can I come in?"

There was a moment before Black Canary opened the door and let her in. 

Jaina looked at Jessica, in a t-shirt and jeans, with Power Ring still wrapped around her hand. The tiny teenager barely took up half the plush green chair, hugging her legs to her chest. 

"Are you okay if I sit in on these sessions with you?" Jaina asked quietly. 

"Yeah," Jessica said, just as quiet, not looking up at her.

There were no other chairs except for the ones already appropriated by Black Canary and Jessica, so Jaina created a simple one of her own next to Jessica's.

"Glad you could join us, Jaina," Dinah smiled warmly. "I wanted to speak to you and Jessica about how you plan to train her and help keep her ring under control. And about what happened last night."

Jaina would rather not talk about last night, but she took a deep breath and nodded.

Canary looked at Jessica next. "Jessica, did you want to tell Jaina what you told me, or should I?"

Jessica sat up a tiny bit more. "You said you were gonna be there for me, but last night- I know you got knocked out for a while, and that wasn't something you could control- but then Aqualad stabbed Artemis and I watched the whole thing myself and I didn't do anything and she started bleeding everywhere and I just stood there and-" Jessica started to hyperventilate as she spoke faster and faster, but Canary reached out and placed a hand on her knee, and reminded Jessica to take deep breaths. 

Shakily breathing in and out as she recalled the events of last night, Jessica turned to Jaina. "I felt like you''d abandoned me. I-I know that you didn't mean to, but-"

"Hey, you can't help your emotions. I know that." Jaina smiled helpfully. "If you can, please remember that you can talk to me about anything. Maybe it's just how you perceive it, which isn't your fault, but maybe it's something I did do, which I should change.

"Plus, I did leave you last night."

"Why'd you do that?" Jessica asked.

"I needed to get away. I was hurting, and I needed to go someplace else. You were already dealing with a lot, and I wanted to make sure I didn't burden you. Next time, I'll tell you before I just run off, okay?"

Jessica nodded, still not looking up at Jaina. "Okay."

"So we're going to work on communication?" Dinah clarified.

"Yeah," Jaina said uncertainly. "Should I be writing this down?"

"If it'll help you remember."

Jaina had her ring record that, and whatever else Canary wanted her and Jessica to talk about.

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