Chapter Thirty-Four- United

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It was a battle. A full-fleged battle over Coruscant. Again.

No Black Lanterns in sight, they had all been replaced by Yellow Lanterns, and Sinestro was coming right at her with two of his generals.

"Green Lanterns stay back! Keep the portal open!" Jaina cried. "Everyone else, take on the Sinestro Corps, protect the New Republic ships!"

"Where are you goin' then?" Kilawog asked, disgruntled.

Jaina zipped away right before Sinestro could take a swing at her. Atrocitus flew at Sinestro instead, screaming bloody murder with napalm-like blood spewing from his mouth, the trademark of his corps.

"Sinestro! Traitor!" He cried. The rest of his corps dived on Sinestro and his generals. Larfleeze's construct corps materialized out of his ring, too greedy to be left out of the fun. Violet, Indigo, and Blue corps swarmed around them, keeping Sinestro's corps away from the portal.

Jaina flew around the Sinestro Corps fighters as they hacked at fighters and cruisers, searching for the Falcon, or the Jade Sabre. And then she recognized the chrome-plated ship as it shot past her, a shock of gold-red hair in the cockpit.

The Rock Dragon.

"Tenel Ka!" Jaina cried, though her friend couldn't hear her. She shot after the ship, phasing through the armored hull and landing in the cockpit, just behind the Queen Mother of the Hapes System.

The rancor-tooth lightsaber shot to the warrior's one hand, igniting in a shower of rainbow sparks.

"It's just me!" Jaina's arm shot to the ceiling in surrender, and she let her Lantern uniform return to her ring, just in case.

"Jaina?" Tenel Ka whispered. she could hardly believe that this was her friend. Jaina could say the same. Her warrior braids were long gone, her loose hair tied back behind her head for a quick, one-armed fix. She no longer wore the royal robes fit for a Queen of Hapes, but rather the supple, leathery lizard-hide armor reminiscent of their days at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. Jaina smirked at the realization that Tenel Ka would be loathe to go completely without her preferred wardrobe of a warrior.

She followed Tenel Ka's gaze to the stump of her arm.

"Jaina," Steely gray eyes turned soft, a slight blue holding back tears.

Jaina's smirk went lopsided. "Twinsies?" She asked. Wally had rubbed off on her too much.

Tenel Ka's muscled arm wrapped around Jaina, and Jaina nearly cried as she felt that her one arm wasn't strong enough to convey just how strongly she felt about seeing her friend- practically her sister, once again.

"Master Organa told me she sent Zekk with Allana to find you. Is she-?"

"Allana and Zekk are safe on Earth with my Justice League friends. And we need both the Hapan and the New Republic fleets in order to stop these Black Lanterns that Zekk and my family encountered."

Tenel Ka nodded, and didn't ask questions. She always did have a more level head, and she trusted Jaina, even if they couldn't trust the force.

Jaina pointed out the viewscreen. The fight raged on around them, but the Yellow Lanterns were preoccupied with the other Corps and other fighters to bother with the Rock Dragon.

"Tell your fleet to head for Coruscaunt's third moon as fast as they can. My people, the Green Lanterns, can help them through, but I'm not sure how long they can keep it open."

Tenel Ka nodded again, already sending instructions to her generals.

"Anything else?"

Jaina racked her brain. Was there anything else she should remember? Anything Padme had told her? What about the first time she and the team had fought the Black Lanterns? Could she use any of that?

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