Chapter Four- Hostilities

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THE ENTIRE CAST IS FINALLY UP!!! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Mal and Connor were catching Jaina up-to-speed on what STAR Lab's Zeta-shield was and why the Earth needed it while Snapper Carr, their old homeroom teacher, helped Beast Boy with a bit of cave-schooling. Bee, having hacked into League computers the moment Captain Atom first contacted them, had the schematics ready to illustrate for Jaina, and not even she could find anything wrong with them.

"Professor Carr, maybe you could have your cave-school pupil write a paper about this historic event!" La'gaan suggested loudly.

The green-skinned monkey-boy glared at Lagoon Boy, gesturing for him to stuff it. Jaina laughed. She knew all about being burdened with tons of extra assignments, and paperwork was definitely not her middle name.

"Anyway," La'gaan continued, M'gann's amber eyes glued to him in a look Jaina did not recognize, "Blue makes these weird noises, and the funny thing is he sounds just like the Kroloteans. But what's even funnier is that the Krolo he's got in his hand actually talks back!" La'gaan was nearly in stitches. 

"Where is Blue?" Mal asked. 

"He said he was gonna be here." Connor said. 

"Yeah, well, they're gonna activate the shield any moment, so if he wants to watch he better hurry up that skinny blue butt of his." Mal said, checking the clock on the computer. 

"Recognized: Blue Beetle. B22."

"Told ya."

Jaina turned to greet the one new team member she hadn't met yet, but her ring had other plans. It vibrated with a loud buzzing noise, making her jump up and down, yanking her arm back and forth.

"Jaina-!" Connor jumped in front of her as she pointed her ring at a short, skinny boy with big brown deer-in-the-headlights eyes. Bee squealed and ducked for cover.

"Por que!?" The boy exclaimed, suddenly covered in a black and blue armor that certainly resembled the bugs Jaina had studied in Science a few years ago.

"Blue Beetle? Charmed to meet you." She winced, trying to pull her ring away with little success.

"My ring, however, I can't say the same for."

"Blue, meet old-timer Jaina Solo. Girl Lantern, and currently the Earth's only Green Lantern." Mal sighed.

"Has the ring ever done this before?" Connor asked, trying to help Jaina pry the ring away. The only time it let Jaina moved was to follow Blue, who darted along the wall of the cave to avoid being in the green spotlight.


"What did you do?" Blue shouted.

"It's not me, it's the ring!" Jaina insisted.

"No, not you," Blue waved his arms in her direction.

Everyone stared at Blue strangely as the boy continued to shout in Spanish at someone none of his teammates could see. 

A moment later, Jaina calmed down her ring through the force at the same time Blue Beetle got his armor to disappear.

Jaina held out her non-ringed hand to shake.

"Sorry about that. Girl Lantern. Call me Jaina."

Blue nodded nervously, first yanking away his hand, then only shaking awkwardly with the wrong hand.

"Jaime. Nice to meet you."

"Okay....that wasn't the strangest thing I've ever seen..." Gar mumbled to himself, quickly going back to his math assignment on Pie Charts.

Peace of the Jedi [Sequel to Sword of the Lanterns]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora