Chapter Thirty-Four- United

Start from the beginning

She snapped her fingers and held up her ring, funneling all her willpower into it. A construct formed and solidified in the palm of her hand. Another ring.

"Tenel Ka of Dathomir and Hapes," it whispered "You have the ability to overcome great fear..."

"Take this. It'll help."

Tenel Ka raised her eyebrow, using a bit of influence from the force to slip the ring onto her hand. She had come a long way since their first days at the Academy.

"And what should I know about this?"

Jaina shot Tenel Ka another lopsided grin, making her friend freeze for a moment at the thought of seeing Jacen in his twin.

"It doesn't work against the color yellow!" Jaina leaped out the airlock.

"Saint Walker! Atrocitus!" She shouted into her ring, "I'm going to need a duplicate of Red and Blue rings, stat!"

Atrocitus grumbled angrily, but Saint Walker was more than willing to comply with the strange request.

Jaina noted the Hapan battle ships returning to their cruisers, which slowly began to leave the battle behind, heading for the moon. They were lead by the ever-shining Rock Dragon, cloaked in an aura of bright green energy.

She knew, however, that Commander Pellaeon and the Republic fleet were going to be harder to convince.

"Jaina!" She heard someone shout through the force. She turned to see the Jade Sabre approaching rapidly from behind. She phased through at the last minute, landing between Uncle Luke and Ben.

"Jaina!" Ben shouted again.

"Thank the force you're alive," Uncle Luke clasped her shoulder, and then he noticed her arm.

"The force is going to be dead soon, and with it all life in the universe, if we don't stop the Black Lanterns," She ignored the pitying looks they were giving her arm.

"What happened after Zekk left you guys on Ossus?"

Uncle Luke frowned behind his beard. "Once Brakiss had enough Jedi on Ossus, he sent in his...Yellow Lanterns?" He looked to Jaina for confirmation.

"The Sinestro Corps, but yeah. Where'd Brakiss go? Where'd he take his new recruits?"

"He...He said he would search the universe for the gift for his master."

"So Brakiss isn't the one behind all this?"

"He wasn't ever really the one in charge, was he?" Ben pointed out, "He was always working for the Empire, or the Emperor. At least, who he thought was the Emperor, at least." He shrugged.

Jaina took a deep breath in.

"Well, the good news is, I know what Brakiss is looking for. I know where it is, and he doesn't."

"Where is it, Jaina?" Luke asked.

Before she could answer, Saint Walker also phased through the airlock, dragging a bitter Atrocitus with him.

"We have the rings you requested, Jaina Solo," Saint Walker gave a little bow, making Jaina a little flustered.

"Uh, great!" Jaina indicated her uncle. "This is my uncle, Luke Skywalker. He brought hope to the entire galaxy by being instrumental in taking down the tyrannical Empire, as well as keeping up the hope that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was still alive, entombed in the bitter spirit of Darth Vader. Think he's a good candidate for a Blue Lantern ring?"

Saint Walker looked Skywalker up and down, his black eyes narrowing in thought.

"I believe so, Jaina Solo." Walker held out his duplicate Blue ring, and it hovered in the air for a moment, taking it's own chance to scan the legendary Skywalker.

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