"What, are we all choosing our groups for a school project now?" Jaina snapped irritably.

Aqualad ignored her. "However, Power Ring is an interesting case. Rather than activated by her willpower, like a Green Lantern ring, or by other's fear of her, such as the Yellow Lantern ring, the ring is activated by her own fear, and has no association with any of the known Lantern corps. Our partner has expressed interest in studying that."

"You're not taking her!" Jaina growled, her willpower threatening to overcome the collar similarly to Jessica's fear.

"You are not in a position to argue." Aqualad pointed out.

Jessica clung to Jaina, tears spilling down her cheeks. "Don't let them take me!" She begged.

Icicle Junior came to escorted Jessica away, and Jaina did something she hadn't done in months.

She tapped into the little bit of the force she could reach, as a last resort. They had cut off her connection to her ring, but not to the force. The force was the connection to all living things. It was around them every day, all the time, whether it was seen or not. Even when she hated it, despised it, tried to push it away, it was her ally. 

And a powerful ally it was.

Her hand shot out, shoving Junior back against the wall. She did the same to the ninja-girl, and she was about to do the same to Aqualad when he held up the trigger.

"This is your final warning." He announced. Jessica sobbed.

"Jessica-" Jaina whispered as Junior approached again.

"No, please!" Jessica cried.

"Listen, I promise, I'll come after you. I am going to save you Jessica. If I have to tear apart the entire galaxy to find you, I will do it."

Icicle Junior dragged Jessica away, and the broken girl offered no resistance. Blue Beetle shoved between Junior and Power Ring, taking hold of Jessica and leading her so that she wouldn't have to be manhandled by Junior.

"If something- anything happens to her, Aqualad, I won't stop until I have your head on a platter." Green Lantern threatened.

Nightwing stood next to Jaina, watching Aqualad and his cronies leave.

"Aqualad, you'll regret this!" He shouted.

Aqualad paused, then turned and walked back to his old friends. Pulling back his fist, he struck a blow to Nightwing's stomach. Jaina immediately slapped him. He made no retribution, but turned and walked after his new team.

"I believe I have outgrown the name Aqualad, as well as anything resembling regret." 

He stopped next to the bomb, which he had left neatly in the center of the room.

"I will leave the bomb with you, as a souvenir," He offered politely. "Oh, and the switch has a five-mile range. Do not pursue."

The ninja girl was waiting for him at the exit, smirking at Jaina as the two disappeared into the shadowed hall.

Jaina tried to run after them, not caring if it got Mount Justice blown sky-high if it saved Jessica and the boys, but Nightwing grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him.

"They're getting away!" Jaina said, struggling to escape.

"Hold still, one second!" Nightwing pulled out a lock-pick from his belt and fiddled for a collar for a second before it fell off.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" She asked as he took off his own collar and Superboy's

"Kaldur wasn't bluffing," He pointed to the bomb, blinking steadily every so often, "That thing is active, I saw it's twin at Malina Island. We have to get out of here. Now. Grab Wolf and scan the cave to see if anyone else is still here. Meet me in the garage at Sphere."

Peace of the Jedi [Sequel to Sword of the Lanterns]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя