Keith takes a big swig of the cognac and starts, "Well, I heard that Brian was doing some, um, fun things to Mick Jagger, so obviously I needed in on this. I could really give a shit what happens to Emerson, so for the sake of getting to Mick, I'm working for him."

Judy strokes her chin and says, "Wait, so you guys, like, abuse Mick and stuff? I want in!"

"I'm not entirely certain of all that Brian is doing to Mick, I'm just helping him with little tasks. My job was to kidnap the keyboardist, so that's what I'm here for," Keith takes another drink of the Cognac.

Grace writhes up to Keith and asks, "Wait, isn't there sedative in this?"

"Oh yeah, but I'm immune to the effects," Keith says proudly. "Now it just gives the Cognac an extra special kick."

Gina cries, "What are you doing to my Mick?"

"I'd tell you if I fucking knew!!" Keith shouts.

Sara chuckles, "Why am I envisioning Brian, Mick, and handcuffs all in the same scenario?"

"Oh my goodness," Lily squeals, "Keith, give me the rest of that damn bottle of Cognac... I think I'd like to pass out again."

Makaila says, "If there's some left over, I think I'll take it." Most of the people all seem to have a collective cringe together at the horrid picture of Brian and Mick.

To bad I don't get what's so bad about it... So what? Are they playing cops and robbers?

Kay demands bluntly, "Seriously, though, do you have any idea what Brian is doing to Mick?" Oh, poor Gina... She seems quite upset by this whole thing.

"Ugh, fine, I'll tell you assholes!" Keith takes one final drink of the Cognac before throwing the empty bottle down on the forest floor, "Brian initially wasn't going to hurt Mick at all, but when he decided to listen to his favorite avant-garde/experimental album, it ended up being torture for Mick, so Brian just went with it."

"Oh, so you mean to say the only torture he's received is being forced to listen to weird music?" Kay asks.

"That's exactly right," Keith says. "Say, did anyone bring any booze with them for the camping trip?"

Keith Moon hops over, "I did!" Sara pats his head and then gives him a cupcake. Why she did, I have no clue...

Bob Dylan takes a drag of some weed, "I have a fully stocked bar right by my sauna."

"Just why, Bob?" Jimmy pants, "Give me some of your life water!"

"Of course, my friend," Bob smiles. "Hey, who wants to have a party at my place after Mick comes back?"

There is a resounding "YES!!" from most of the people there, but then Judy comes up, lamp in hand, declaring, "I say we have the party right now! Why are we waiting for Mick?"

Grace replies, "Well, we are waiting for the Lizard Wizards, really. Not Mick, so look at it like that."

Judy slams down the lamp and simply mutters, "Fine!" and then she returns to her tree stump.

"So, what the hell do we do now?" Chris Squire asks impatiently. Hmm, my big bandmate can scare me sometimes...

[see, Jon Anderson is very smol and Chris Squire is very tol:]

[see, Jon Anderson is very smol and Chris Squire is very tol:]

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"Relax, Chris," I respond. Wow, I sounded so confident! "Maybe we should ask Ian, he is in charge here too!"

Ian pulls out his flute and starts to play, and then says, "How about you guys listen to me playing flute?"

Lily laughs, "How about we don't. Any other suggestions?"

"I quite liked Roger's suggestion of painting his nails a little bit ago!" Jane chuckles, "I think he would enjoy it very-,"

"Absolutely not!" Roger interrupts. "Don't touch my nails!"

Lily comes over, "Oh, but Roger, I have a shade of black that would perfectly match your black tee shirts..."

"No way, Lily," Roger mutters, "Now, can we seriously suggest anything else?"

Katherine looks up, "Does Sara have some cupcakes we could munch on perhaps?"

Sara perks up immediately, "Of fucking course I do!" She frolics over to some secret latch in a tree to reveal a giant basket of cupcakes. "Step right up, folks!" So, we all file up to get more cupcakes, and for a brief moment it feels like a nice time at camp.

Judy stands up, "I have a fun idea for a game- I call it 'How Oblivious is Jon?' Everyone takes turns to say something that either is or is not sexual innuendo, and Jon guesses if whether or not what was said was sexual. I'll go first-,"

"Are you guys making fun of me?!" I squeal, "Please stop!" Soon enough, I find myself standing up and running... running like mad to get away. Then, I simply stand by the lake, far away from anyone else.

As I stand in my solitude, I hear someone coming through the bushes... I turn around and instantly recognize the face...

Not that it is a face I want to see...

There is an obscure reference with the specific mentioning of the Cognac. I will award a cookie to anyone who gets it.

Or else I'll just explain next chapter...

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