"Sure! What do you want to play?", Feliciano asked as he removed himself from his bed and sat on Lovino's instead, making Lovino let out a groan.

"Hm...How about we have some fun~", I asked them, I noticed that their cheeks turned a crimson red.

"W-What do you m-mean by that!?", Lovino stuttered out with Feliciano nodding.

Forgetting about the lecture the principal gave me, I said, "Let's go to the place you wanted to show me, Lovino! I'm sure no werewolf would attack us now."

"Werewolf!? Did you two get attacked!? Are you okay, witch?", Feliciano asked, concerned. He got a little too close to me for my liking.

Lovino pushed him off of me and said with a cold tone, "He's fine! Fuck off, bastard.", which resulted into Feliciano giving a quiet, "Ve...".

"So...What's your answer?", I asked Lovino as he looked at Feliciano for a bit and then back at me.

"Fine.", he said as he stood up from the bed. I also did so, with Feliciano following after us.

"But we can't get caught.", he added. They stood by the window and flew for like a metre out.

"Guys...", I said. I didn't have the ability to fly without my besom, so I waited for them to get the hint.

Lovino opened his arms wide, waiting for me to jump on him, which I immediately did. And luckily, he caught me. I think I saw Feliciano sending a glare towards us, but I must've been seeing things. And with that, we started flying. Lovino did a few twirls, making me giggle.

After a while, we made it above the Werewolf part of the Academy, trying to fly as high as possible. I saw someone familiar sitting on a bench, so I told Lovino to fly a little lower.

"Are you crazy!? This is the Werewolf part of the Academy! We can't fly lower!", he yelled at me. I gave him puppy eyes, making him sigh and fly a little lower.

Seeing that we were flying right above the bench now, I gave Lovino a quick kiss on the cheeks and pushed him away, so I would fall down. I quickly pulled my wand out and made a spell, making me fall a lot slower. So if I hit the ground, it wouldn't hurt at all.

A few seconds passed and I hit the ground, softly. I stood up and walked a little closer to the bench from behind, the person sitting on it didn't suspect a thing.

"BOO!", I yelled, making him flinch and turn around, baring his teeth. After he saw that it was me, he backed off a little.

He sighed, "It's just you. I could've pounced on you, you know. What the hell are you doing here anyway?", the red-haired American asked me.

"I'm here with a friend and his brother~", I told him. Right on time, the vampires landed right in front of me, shielding me from Allen.

"Whoa, guys! It's fine, I know him.", with that said, they turned towards me. Feliciano frowned at me as Lovino punched me on the head.

"You dumbass! Why would you do that!?", Lovino yelled at me.

"I just wanted to say hi...", I told him as I rubbed the top of my head. We started arguing for a bit more till we heard someone fakely cough.

Only then did they realise they still had a werewolf right behind them. They immediately hid behind me and yelled at me to do a spell and save them. I laughed at their stupidity as I told them not to worry.

"So, where ya heading to?", Allen asked us.

"Hm..I dunno. A place with a nice waterfall.", I told him.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you, there are lots of werewolves at the moment.", he told me while crossing his arms. Lovino had a surprised look on his face. I turned towards him and gave him a smug look saying 'I saved your ass'.

"YOU!", I heard someone yell from behind us.

I turned around and heard Allen let out a quiet, "Oh God."

I saw the 'Luciano' guy standing right in front of us, pointing right towards me. My eyes widened and I quickly hid behind Al, the two vampires following right behind me.

Luciano started walking towards us with a pissed off face till he stood right in front of Allen, "Move aside, Jones.", he told him.

"No, fuck off.", Allen replied back, earning a snicker from me.

"Alright, then we'll do this the hard way.", Luciano said, before turning into his werewolf form, Allen also doing so.

In a matter of time, they started fighting. The Southern and Northern Italian moved backwards with me. Sadly, Allen hit his head against a tree as he fell from a blow Luciano gave him, making him turn into his human form and drop unconscious.

"Oh.", I simply said as Luciano turned into his human form again, with a few scratches. He started walking towards us as the two Italians cowered in fear behind me.

"You...", he said as he stopped right in front of me, staring me right in the eyes. He held my chin up, making me face him directly.

"Become mine!", he yelled as a blush adorned his cheeks. My jaw dropped and I bet the Italians' behind me also. He grabbed my hand and looked me straight into the eyes again, waiting for a reply.

"H-Huh? W-W-Why!?", I stuttered out, raising my tone.

"I've never had someone stand up against me like that before, you're a special one~", he said as he became a little shy all of a sudden. I went blank from that.

Before I could reply, the two Italians that were cowering behind were now standing protectively in front of me. Blocking the werewolf from going anywhere near me.

"Back off!", they yelled at him. In no time, the three of them started arguing about me. I took this as my cue to leave, immediately. Without thinking twice, I left the area and ran into the woods that were right behind me.

That was one of the dumbest decisions I had taken in a while.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm letting the 2p's show their softer side more, so excuse me if you don't like it. Anyway, cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें