Hidden Confession

Start from the beginning

"Yeah...I already tried that.", Antonio said, with a sweatdrop.

I saw Lovino walking towards the side of the bed where the witch lay, he grabbed the witch's ear and screeched. The witch quickly opened his eyes and held his ears in pain, making him let go of me, I quickly moved backwards, making me fall out of the bed.

"Ow!", I heard the Witch say as he glared at Lovino.

"Serves you right, bastard.", Lovino said, showing his tongue.

(M/n) POV

"Asshole...", I muttered underneath my breath as I sat up on the bed, seeing Feliciano on the ground right next to me. I gave him a confused look while raising my eyebrow.

"Don't ask, ve..", he told me as he stood up. I nodded, warily.

Before I could say anything else, a pair of clothes were thrown at me, hitting me right in the face. I removed them as I looked at Lovino with a glare, again.

"What's your problem all of a sudden!?", I yelled at him.

"Anyone would be mad when they leave for a second and then come back to see their crush cuddling up against their br-----", he quickly stopped himself from saying anything more. I saw Feliciano's eyes widen. I noticed that Antonio gave Lovino a smirk.


'Damnit, I'm such an idiot!', I screamed internally, trying not to lock eyes with anyone.

"Oh. I feel sorry for you. I'm sure you'll find another girl.", (M/n) told me with a knowing look. I literally sweatdropped at his obliviousness but also gave a sigh of relief.

'He seriously has no idea...', I thought. I felt a glare being thrown towards me, so I looked beside me. Feliciano quickly looked away while I gave him a look of suspicion.

"A-Anyway put the clothes I gave you on! They're pyjamas, given to you by Elizabeta.", I told him as he looked at the loose shorts and shirt. I noticed that Antonio had left the room already, making me let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay.", he said and with that, he started undressing.

"Whoa! Not here, you idiot!", I told him, as I tried to hide my blushing face. I looked next to me to see Feliciano staring at him with a slight blush, making me hit him on the back of his head.

"What? We're all guys here.", he told me, "Unless you got something to tell me.", he added.

After a while, he had the pyjamas on and gave me a confused look, "What am I doing here, anyway?", he asked.

"So you won't get kidnapped by that stupid werewolf!", I told him as my brother gave us a confused look.

"Okay...So, where am I sleeping?", he asked me. And then it came to me....

'We only have two beds!', I thought while blushing. Which meant, that one of us had to share a bed with him.

"Nevermind. I can just sleep on the ground----"

"NO!", Feliciano and I yelled at the same time. We gave each other a quick glare, before looking at (M/n) again.

"Where will I be sleeping then?", he asked.

"Y-You can sleep in my bed if you want...", I told him, with a light stutter.

"Where will you be sleeping, if I sleep on your bed?", he asked, again.

"Umm, we can sleep together?", I asked him. He looked at me with a blank look but then nodded.

"Sure.", he said as he lay on my bed. I felt Feliciano kick me in my leg, making me wince. Having enough of his attitude, I pulled him out of the dorm room, about to have a chat with him.

"What the hell, bastardo!? What's your fucking problem!?", I yelled at him in a whispering tone.

"Why are you getting so lovey-dovey with him!?", he yelled back, his mask of innocence leaving him.

"What's it to you!? I'm his friend, while you're not. You're not taking him away from me like you did with everyone else!", I yelled at him.

"You? His friend? Don't make me lau----", he was cut off by our dorm room opening.

"Hey? 's everything ok?", (M/n) asked, worried.

"Sí! Everything is completely fine~!", Feliciano said, wearing his mask again.

"Alright...", he said as he entered our dorm room again with us glaring at each other, "What are you guys waiting for?", he questioned.

"We're coming!", Feliciano said as he gave me one last glare and entered our dorm room, with me following behind him.

'This is going to be a long night....', I thought with a sigh.


Most of you must have noticed that the chapters are getting shorter...Well oops. I'm trying! Anyway, I'm getting some more action and drama in the story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now