11. Such A Good Thief

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It had taken another bottle of whiskey to knock me out in a comatose sleep. I couldn't risk getting bothered with nightmares, I needed all of my strength and resolve to get through this. I also slept at the safehouse instead of at Jozie's, somehow, he always knew when I was lying so if he would ask what I was going to do with my night, he would know. And he would be pissed.

Oh, please forgive me angel for what I'm about do.

The humid air stuck to my skin, impregned by the putrid smell of the waste of the city. No matter the number of redecorations and rebuilding the Houses did, they were all secretly connected by the intricate underground sewage system.

So that's where I was. Spending my Saturday night in a sewer with the only company of rats and bugs. Let's just say that I had spent better Saturday nights.

God my life sucks.

I hadn't brought much with me, just enough to break in, secretly steal as much as I could but also, my precious dagger in case I got caught. I mean, if I looked at my past experiences regarding illegal stuff, if something bad were to happen, it will. Murphy invented his law just to fit me, I swear.

Surprisingly, the Kingsley's were never big on security. Technological security, I mean. It was quite easy to sneak in if you knew where all the Guards were going to be posted. Now that there wasn't anyone worth protecting left in the manor, there were a lot less Guards. Lucky for me, unlucky for them.

I made sure my feet made no sound on the golden marble floor as I snuck deeper within the manor. In the sewers, I had used the light of my small blade to guide me around, but I knew that it was a bad idea to use it here. Way to draw attention, right?

The dagger had been a gift from my father, the blade made out of the rare Ignis Crystal instead of metal. It always shone in a soft reddish light when held, it was very pretty but very lethal. It was the only blade capable of destroying a Creature of the Undead.

Like a vampire.

So instead, I simply fumbled around the mansion, following the encrusted blueprint in my brain. I knew that I had to go down two flights of stairs, turn a right, then a left, then another flight of stairs before landing square in the gold and diamond jackpot.

After a few moments, and a lot of fucking stairs, I leaned against a wall trying to remember the map. Was it left first or right first? Had I gone down two flights of stairs or three?

Jeez, I'm the worst thief on this whole fucking planet.

My strong suit had always been killing, my fabulous body and my remarkable sense of humor. Did anyone read thievery? I thought not.

Urgh! Should I go back up the stairs and count them again, just to make sure? Or should I just go forward?

'' Are you lost, snowflake?'' a deep voice whispered in my ear, startling me to death. A presence was almost pressed to my backside, towering over me with his menacing height.

Acting upon reflex, I quickly elbowed the body in the ribs. As he fell slightly forward, I grabbed his shoulders and threw him on the ground, drawing my precious knife out of my boot and pressing it to his throat. The soft light of my blade revealed a pair of black enticing eyes staring at me, with a certain glint in them.


'' Do I look lost to you?'' I growled at him, only pressing my blade harsher against his throat.

'' Actually, snowflake, you kind of do.''

I pressed my knife until it drew a small sliver of blood, '' What did I say about calling me snowflake?''

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