4. A-Holes

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The thick cloud of smoke made it impossible to see, an impenetrable barrier created by the raging flames all around me. Blocking my eyes from the ashes snowing down, I tried making my way through the barrier, the sound around me my only guide.

Screams. So many screams.

Lifeless bodies were sprawled all over the bloodied grass, the number increasing by the minute. My knees buckled from under me, tears streaking my face. Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, no one missing.

I was grabbed from behind, tossed to lay with the dead mercilessly. I flinched from the pain but quickly covered it up, this was no place or time to show weakness. My attacker raised his silver blade, ready to behead me at any moment. The leather of his black armor creaked at the sudden movement, his green eyes twinkling in excitement.

What flashed to me was the ring he bore on his thumb, engraved with a griffon holding victoriously a crown in its beak.

As he swung down, he was immediately thrown back by a huge shadow, dropping his blade. The gray Wolf plunged inside his chest and tore out the still beating heart.

He turned his bloodied face towards me, his light gray eyes blazing and yelled one word in my mind.


I shook my head vigorously, I couldn't abandon them!

'' Daddy, please. I can't abandon you!'' I yelled at him through the screams of pain and terror.

He bared his pearly white canines at me and growled menacingly.

'Run! It's an order!'

One couldn't simply ignore her Alpha's order. It went against everything I was ever raised to do, run instead of fight. But one look in my Alpha's eyes and it was like my legs had a life of its own. It was impossible for a Wolf to go against Alpha orders.

So, I ran. I ran barefoot in the burning woods, the skin of my feet peeling off due to the heat but I never slowed down. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the screams continued, taunting me to go faster, ignoring the pain.

That's when I heard it, resonating through my bones like it was my own. The devastating howl of defeat.

The Alpha was captured.

With that, I woke up, gasping for air. Body tangled in the damp sheets, I coughed my way towards breathing. My lungs were burning me from the inside, jerking as I tried the impossible to breathe.

Struggling to get out of the snaking sheets, trapping me against my will, I doubled over on the side of the bed where I finally was able to take my first breath. My body instantly cooled down a notch.

Every time. Every. Fucking. Time.

Groaning, I kicked the sheets off of me and made my way into the shower. It took a while for the hot water to calm my nerves and stop my body from shaking. My body was tired, more like exhausted, the nightmares draining more energy than the sleep could give me.

The one time I let my body doze off normally, I was greeted with memories I wished to forget.

Dried off and fully clothed, I dragged my feet to the kitchen where Jozie was on the phone talking rather frantically. Having Wolf hearing, I couldn't help but overhear. Some annoying voiced chick was on the other line babbling about something to do with being stood up? I wasn't too sure, Jozie made sure to keep a certain distance from me.

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