○ t w e l v e ○

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s  i  x    d  a  y  s    l  a  t  e  r

December 31. The city seemed to bustle with the newfound excitement of a new year. The streets seemed more excited than usual, and there was a bit of cheer in every passing face on the sidewalks below the apartment building. Joji and I sat in his windowsill, perched like cats on a tall fence, and watching the busy city nightlife pass below. The people on the sidewalk looked like dim little specks from 8 stories up.

"Did you want to stay in tonight? I don't quite know if you like to go out for holidays or anything. If you wanted to we could try to go to a bar and watch the ball drop?" He asked, turning to face me. His eyes looked more tired than usual, I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something didn't seem right. I shook my head.

"The crowd is going to be absolutely insane. Besides, you don't look too well Joji, are you feeling okay?" I asked, tilting my head to the right. He weakly smiled and nodded, brushing me away with his hand. I stood up and stretched, walking towards the bathroom. Sitting around all day kind of made me have to pee. When I finished up, I washed my hands, and noticed the pill bottle on the counter. I picked it up and examined it, and when I saw the medicine name, I began to question what it was. I pulled out my phone and typed in the name that I saw on the bottle, and the result that came up made me drop the bottle. It was a siezure medication.

"Joji?" I called, turning off the water. I picked up the bottle in my trembling hands, and I heard the soft pad of his footsteps as he approached me.

"Yeah baby? Wh-" he stopped, noticing the bottle in my hand, and knew he was either in deep shit or on the top of my worry list. "Okay, before you say anything, let me explain." He started off slowly. I handed him the bottle and crossed my arms. This better be good.

"A few years ago, I started having really bad siezures. They were stress induced. From trying to get more music out to keeping up with Frank and keeping the fans and subscribers satisfied, it was just too much." He explained, a sigh passing his lips. His brow furrowed and he opened the bottle, popping one of the pills out. He stared at it for a moment before drawing his dark eyes back up to meet mine.

"I've been trying to get out a new album. And a huge one at that. All of my fans are going absolutely apeshit and I've been really stressed out. I'm worried that I'm gonna have another siezure, so I've been loading up on the meds. I'm sorry, (y/n). I'm so stupid. I should have told you." He looked like he was about to cry, and I felt so bad. How could I be mad at that face? He was scared, I could tell, and I took him into my arms.

"Joji, I'm not mad. Just worried about you. Here, we're staying in tonight, and I'm gonna take care of you." I murmured. I closed the medicine cabinet and led him to his bedroom, and nudged him to lay down. From there, I walked back into his bathroom and began drawing a warm bath for him. Well... for us.

I made sure the water flow was light so that way I would have time to go to my place to grab some things. I popped my head around the corner, and his eyes were closed, peaceful, yet I could see every line of stress and worry in his beautiful face. My heart skipped a beat, and I bit my lip sadly. I hated to see him like this. The clock read 10:21

"Joj, I'm gonna go grab some stuff from my place for you. I'll be back in 5."


I returned to his apartment, with an old shoebox full of stuff. Some lavender oil to relax his mind, some peppermint oil to relax his muscles, a box of chamomile tea packets, honey, sugar packets, and a cold container with some homemade chicken noodle soup I had made the other night. He was still laying in his bed, and it looked like he was listening to music. I grinned and quickly set down the stuff to shut off the faucet, and the water was at a good level for two people to comfortably be in. I lay out a hand towel and arranged the oils out, and set aside the box of tea and honey,  placing the sugar packets in the box of teabags, as well as the soup. I heated up some water for the tea and reheated the soup in a small pot, and placed the cup and bowl on a tray. When the tea was steeped well enough, I went back to his bedroom.

"Joji, wake up love, the bath is ready. I also made you some tea and soup." I murmured, kissing his soft cheek. He stretched and opened his eyes, and they were bloodshot. I cringed at the sight, and helped him up.

"(y/n), baby... you don't need to do this." He rasped sleepily, and I took off his short for him delicately.

"I want to, and nothing stops me from getting what I want." I replied, tossing his shirt into the dirty clothes hamper. He chuckled and I gently took off the rest of his clothes. This wasn't even remotely sexual to me, I just needed to take care of him, and I was doing what I needed to do to do so.

"Let me get a stool to put the tray on. Then I'll join you." I whispered against his ear, and he raised a brow, stepping into the lukewarm water. He groaned and relief and sat in the water, and I left to grab a stool of some sort. I found a square-ish box thing, and it was sturdy enough for me to stand on, so I brought it in, and set the tray atop it. He eyed me and smirked.

"Join me."

[[ this is half of one evening. I just dont want this chapter to drag on and on lmao. almost 500 reads! Yay! ♡ thank you!! ]]

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