○ t h r e e ○

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I did not have class the following day, thankfully, so I wound up staying up way later than I expected to. Why did he do that? It shocked me, yet I wasn't upset about it in the slightest. I kind of... enjoyed it. By the time I was finally getting tired, my clock read 3:43. I took off my makeup, undressed, and crawled in my bed.


I woke up on my own, thankfully. 12:45. As much as I loved meeting Joji, I never liked having my sleep disturbed. I shivered a little bit at the contact of the cold air to my bare skin, and I willed myself to get up and get in the shower. The warm water felt nice, and the hot steam cleared my senses. I felt more awake, yet the heat made me want to fall asleep. I began to think once more, and my thoughts drifted to Joji. His pale skin, soft eyes, and innocent face, and those lips. They felt so soft against my cheek, and I wondered how they would feel on my lips. Heaving a sigh, I forced myself out of my daze and shut off the water. Maybe I would text Joji and see what he was up to.

Y/N: hey, Joji, it's (y/n).

J: oh hey, whats up?

Y/N: not much lmao. i dont have class today so I'm just chillin

J: oh cool lol.
J: hey since both of us have nothing to do all day, did you wanna come over for a little?
J: or vice versa if you'd like, my house is a fucking pigsty lmao

Y/N: yeah sure lol.
Y/N: just give me like an hour and you can come over here, since i came over yesterday!

J: sweet!

Y/N: see you then :^)

J: seeya, cutie :-)

Cutie. The word stuck in my head for a while. My cheeks heated up, and I shook my head, finally deciding to put some clothes on. I just threw on a bra, tank top, and sweats, just to see if he would act any differently. And just in case, for that million-to-one chance anything happened, I purposely picked matching panties. With a groan, I began to tidy up.


At 2:45, I heard the knocks on my door. Since I had been expecting him, I continued to smoke by my window, just yelling at him to come in. I felt a slight twinge of guilt at smoking cigarettes in front of a guest, but what could I say, he smelled like it too, so I presumed he had the same stress relief as I.

"Hey, you know that's gonna kill you someday."

"Well hi to you too, Joji. Have a seat, want one?" I replied, turning to face him, tapping out the ashes in my porcelain bowl that I picked up in D.C. It had cherry blossoms on it, so I bought it, and I finally found a use for it.

"Did you not hear what I said?" He joked sarcastically, to which I raised a brow.

"George. Your clothes smell like cigarettes and weed, do you really think I'd ask you if you didn't smoke?"

"Fair point. Pass one, will ya?" He chuckled, sitting across from me in my windowsill. He looked so beautiful, lighting up his cigarette, taking in the toxic fumes, them breathing them out in a puff of smoke as if no poison had entered his system. The way his lips parted and his eyes fluttered shut made my heart hammer.

"So did you wanna ask me anything?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I got one for ya, where do you work?"

"I work from home, I work for an online voice teaching company. I give music theory and voice lessons and do art commissions on the side. Pays pretty well. I make enough to afford this place and spoil myself now and then. My mom's family offered to help me pay bills, like my phone, internet and electric bill, they're loaded." I explained. "I know how to find good deals, so I make by with good food and clothes and shit. God bless thrift stores." I chuckled airily, and Joji laughed.

"You can say that again. Thrift stores are my favorite. And I pretty much live off of ramen and tv dinners." He replied, taking another drag from his cigarette.

"Same. Last night was a real treat, can I pay you back for that by the way?" I asked, realizing that Joji probably dropped a lot of money on that dinner.

"Nah, my treat. It's not often that I meet a cute girl and get to treat her to something nice, especially for a birthday."

I blushed. Was I cute to him? He was being so forward with this, and I loved it, but part of me was afraid. I had been hurt before, from a boyfriend who coerced me into giving him my virginity to a fantastic relationship that got boring. With both being long-term relationships, I was afraid to let anyone else into my life like that ever again. Could he, George Miller, be the exception though?

"Mmm... Do you want anything to drink? I got water, juice, Coke, and wine. Peach Stella"

"I could go for some wine right now. Thanks again, for being so nice to me. I'm sorry if I seem creepy or anything, I just don't get much in-person company." He sighed, putting out his cigarette on the bricks outside my window, tossing the butt into the cherry blossom dish. I pulled the bottle out of the fridge and grabbed two glasses.

"You're fine, Joji. Now, just tell me when to stop pouring."


[ the boyfriend thing is true for me for the first one and i just wanted to include it for some reason idk. hopefully you guys have never been coerced/raped because it changes you. stay smart, stay safe.]

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