But he is tough, so I failed.

"Maybe you need time. Eat. You have to eat. I'm leaving."

I stood and walked out of his room. I really still do believe that he can smile. I mean, he can me happy. He will be happy.


Taeyong and I are in the car on the way to my office. He's sending me there again today.

"Do you have any news from Sunghoon?" I asked. He's quiet these days. It makes us feel uneasy.

"I went to where they usually stay many times but they weren't there."

My eyes widened, "What? You're going to their place? Are you trying to do suicide?"

"Don't worry, I won't get caught."

"Just make sure because I'll be the one to send you to death once they capture you!" I warned. I just want him to be more careful!

"That's sweet." I just rolled my eyes. It isn't time for a joke. "We're here~" he sang.

Before I went out of the car, he held my hand. "Don't worry about me, Arin. I have to live so that I can protect you. I have to stay alive to make sure noone's gonna hurt you." He kissed my fingertips, "I love you." Then he gave me an assuring smile.

The uneasiness in me faded and I just smiled there. I kissed his nose and replied, "I love you too."

"You better go before you become late."

I rested my back on the back rest, "I don't want to work anymore. I want to stay by your side."

"Ok then, let's go." He acted like driving but I stopped him.

"Haha. I have to go now." Then I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I will be going to my parents so I might not be able to call you today. We will have a short reunion."

I nodded, "Enjoy." Then I finally went out of the car. I waved him goodbye and went in the building. He waited for me to get in before going.

When I'm already on my office, I syddenly remembered my wallet. I searched for it in my bag but it isn't there. I can't remember where I placed it.

I dialled Taeyong's number and he missed my call. I dialled him again and after a series of rings, he finally andwered.

"Taeyong, have you noticed my wallet?"

"H-huh? I don't think so." He sounded minimal, maybe because he's driving.

"I think I left it at home."

"Do you need it now?"

"Not really. I just want to nake sure that it's in a safe place. Anyway, forget it and enjoy your day with your family. I'll just search for it when I go home."


I smiled, "I love you."

It take him a while before replying, "I love you too."

He sounded weird but it was okay. Maybe he's focusing on the road.


Bad-yong's Point of View

I laid my body on the sofa in the living room and stared at the chandelier. It's another lonely day. Nobody with me here, just me, as usual.

I placed the phone on my hand on the table and sighed. After a few moments, I heard the gate opening.

I thought he's going out with... his family?

He hurriedly went in, "Have you seen my phone? I think I forgot to bring it with me."

"Here." I pointed at the phone that I just placed on the table a while ago while remaining in my position.

"I'm leaving." He didn't inform me where else he's going. I just found it out from Arin when she called.

I was the one she talked to. She didn't notice because we also have the same voice.

"I love you."

As if it was said to me. Grr, I should have not replied! Arrrgh.

I sighed and sat. I rested my forehead on my palm, frustrated. Frustrated for being a fool. Frustrated for answering her. Frustrated because... why does it have to be her?

His Name Is Lee Taeyong [NCT Taeyong Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now