Chapter 24

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I slowly got myself together before answering...

"Well it is nice to make your acquaintance Dr. Paddams-"

"Addams." She quickly corrected me. Which annoyed me but i allowed.

"Yeah, whatever. You are not needed doctor. So you may leave." I said with no expression.

"I beg your pardon?!"


She rolls her eyes and gives a light growl.

"Who do you think you are?" She growled.

"Y/N L/N,  mr Kay's original psychiatrist and also known as your boss. Now please leave until you are needed by me."

"Wait- what ? No! I do not understand."

"You were recruited to look after him as a psychologist and i was put in charge of you. Now if you don't leave, i will have to call the guards."

"I will NOT be scared off by your threats! I have been chosen for this job. My job is to help him-"

"My job is to help him and that is exactly what i am going to do"

"And that is-"

"What i am going to do...." i finished the sentence...

It was what i said to Croft once before as well...

"You can't help him..."

"And you know this how? I can change him! I won't give up..." She spat.

My face went into an amusing shock.

"Oh dear..." i laughed lightly. "Do not tell me he charmed you that quickly."

She just stared at me blankly. Trying to more or less get herself together.

I started laughing, "You have to be kidding me? You know him for like a few hours?"

"There is something about him... you wouldn't understand." She said bitterly.

"Oh but i do, i know him like i know when people lie, when my sister gets up to make coffee and when I'm about to hit a bitch for not staying professional."

Mentally slapping myself for the irony but hey I'm human but her... no she is a....

"You have to leave now." Was all she replied with.

"Get out Addams"

"No you get out."

I eyed the syringe that was lying there on the table. I swear the doctor removed it?

"Dr L/N. Get ou-"

I picked up the syringe and through it at her. The syringe just-just missed her head and stuck like a dart in the wall.

"GET OUT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

She didn't even hesitate and ran out with no word.

"You are in charge of me? And they call me insane..." a sadistic voice says but Robbie's lips were sealed.

What the hell is going on with me?!

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