Chapter 21

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I woke up to this horrible noise, beep beep beep... non-stop, beep beep beep.

Why is there an oxygen mask over my face? Why is there a drip connected to me? Why am I in a hospital bed?

Memories came flashing back,


The truck had us go flying-

I saw a figure sitting quite close to my bed.

I gently took off the mask.

"Evan?" I called softly. My voice still groggy.

"Shhh. You should rest. You had a hard hit."


I jumped up as fast as possible but Evan - push me down, and quickly said as if he had read my mind.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. She is fine. She woke up yesterday. You guys have been out for a week."

After hearing his words I started relaxing, as long as she was fine, I was happy.

"They are here... Your- I mean her parents. They want to see you..."

My skin lit on fire, it was utter fear that had taken over. I kept shaking my head no.

"Okay, okay, they won't come near you. I wouldn't allow them. I didn't allow them."

I pulled Evan into a tight hug, trying to calm myself in the process.

"I want-" i tried but it came out strangled.

"I know - I know, we will find him. I promise you that."

I gave a slow nod.

"Tell me something, when you were out you were talking like as if you were talking in your sleep, what do you mean that there are voices inside your head?" -

"So tell me Robbie, your father. When did the abuse starts and how?"

He looked at me in discomfort, he obviously did not want to talk about it but I needed to know - to understand him better and to understand where these voices are coming from and why they are happening...

"When my mother told him that I was getting worse, because I was doing what the voices had asked of me. He got mad... he said that I am 'normal'. She just wanted to help me. So she pestered on. He punched her... I was standing by the staircase, my mouth dried up and my eyes teared up, I was only four."

To say I felt sorry for him was a under statement but I quickly put it aside.

"What did the voices tell you to do?"

"To punch or to hurt the kids at the daycare or school. To break down - tear up my room."

"And towards your sisters?"

"They wanted them dead."

"And yet you keep them alive."

"They made me feel sane and not to mention safe. Fiona taught me to not hurt the other kids and Camilla helped me with not tearing up my room. We felt like our own small little family-God sakes I even let them dress me up and put make-up on my face- I would've rather died then hurt them."

I don't remember that, did we have that session? How could I not remember?!

"Y/N? Darling are you alright?"

I looked up at Evan.

I shook my head and gave him a small fake smile. Hoping that he will not see through it.

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