Chapter 7

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I was full of anger.

"They what?" I asked half growling.

"When did this happen? When did they stop?" I asked still playing with his hair.

"A week ago i think.... i don't know."
I whipped his fore head once again. "Close your eyes and go to the place where you feel the most happy." I closed his eyes and after a while he smiled but not a scary one - a genuine smile.

"Where are you?" I whispered in his ear.

"Home." He said.

"Who all is there...?" I asked smiling.

"Mum, Camilla ..."
My heart stopped... what did he just say?

"Me?" I asked confused.

"Yes, you" he replied his eyes still shut.

"Why me?"

"Why not?"

I gave a small laugh and slapped his shoulder lightly and he chuckled softly.

"Because if i was normal...and not a monster...i would be able to make you part of my life..." he said with absolutely no emotion what so ever.

"Everybody is a monster. Even me...but we decide if the monster controls us or if we control it."

He stayed quite and i knew he was thinking.

"Leave" he said with a stern voice.

"What why-"

"I SAID LEAVE....please.... i do not want to hurt you." He said.

"Then don't. You do not have to be the monster. You can be the hero. Tell them no"


"Tell them to piss off!" I raised my voice.


The guards looked at me and i shook my head. They understood and didn't come in.

"No! You are stronger then this. They do not own your body or your mind! You do!"

"Get the hell out!!!"

"Tell them to get out. Think...happy are at home... with your mum, Camilla and .... and Fiona ... you guys are laughing."

He started screaming.

"Fiona is holding you and so is Camilla. You are home."

He started to scream less.

"Dark the sun and dark the moon, hush the night and the morning to...tell the soldiers to beat on their drum...gone their master - gone their sons." I sang softly and after that he was dead quiet.

"Why didn't you leave?" I smiled at him.

"Because i know how it feel to be alone. Nobody should be alone during their darkest hour."

"Thank you..."

"I am going to make sure that you get your meds okay? Before i leave every day i will make sure you get it. Won't let you go through this ever again. Okay?"

"Okay." He smiled.

"Now you get some rest. I am going to go talk to Kida about this and will check up on you soon."

He nodded and without even thinking straight i kissed his fore head and left.

"Derik?" I asked

"Yes mam?"

"Where is Kida?" I asked a lil sternly.

"He just left mam-"

I ran out the door seeing Croft just just leaving. I pulled his arm and punched him.

"What the fu-"

"Why did you not make sure he is getting his meds." I yelled.

"His a dead man anyway!"

"How the hell can you say that about your friend, your wife's brother - YOUR BROTHER?!"

"He WAS! You have not even give feedback to the court yet!"

"It is way to early! We hardly had time!Since i got here there was nothing but DRAMA!"

"Well then maybe you should leave!" He yelled.

"I am trying to help him!" I yelled

"You cannot help him!"

"Yes I CAN!"

"No you can't and you WON'T"

When he realized what he said he raced off.

Won't? Who the hell is he to say that to me?

Why all of a sudden... he wanted me to not...

Could he wouldn't...

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