“Greg, none of this is your fault,” I spoke softly.

“It really is, Ella. I pushed her over the edge, not you, me. I’m the reason she’s in here hooked up to machines.”

“Greg, I swear to fucking god, you need to stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault. Elianna’s been unstable since the accident. You need to let your manliness go and just fucking own up to the fact that it’s not your fault,” I raged.

“Goddammit Ella. It’s my fault. I put her in here. I told her to shove her psychiatrist up her fucking ass because I’m that much of a jerk,” Greg spoke angrily.

“You do fucking realise that she was trying to help you, but no, you’re too much of an insensitive jerk to realise that. But you don’t even realise that your own girlfriend was fucking hurting because the bastards that tore her to shreds in that warehouse are targeting her again,” I ranted, real close to his face. “You’re too far absorbed into your own sick fucking brain that you don’t even ask your girlfriend how she’s feeling.”

“She’s not my girlfriend anymore,” He seethed.

“If that’s the way you’re fucking going to act, then I hope she fucking dumps your ass,” I spat. “That girl goes out her way to protect you and to help you, but you just throw it back in her face as she’s nothing. She does nothing but love you unconditionally and you be an ass. God help you in later life, Greg.”

   I stormed off away from him. I knew he was being irrational like always but Elianna has done nothing but protect him and care for him and it’s sad to see it all shoved back in her face. I know things haven’t been easy with them but the least Greg can do is take her help and be proud of her. She’s been through so much in her childhood and now in her teenage years and she’s still here. I’m amazed by the courage she’s provided during her years so far on this earth. Her determination to provide such good things in this world by sharing her story makes me amazed at her. I always thought that she was extraordinary but her courage to remain positive is fantastic.

   I walked back towards Micky and Jonah and plopped myself down. I knew I had to calm myself down but I had no way of doing that. I just extremely angry at Greg and everything he said about himself. I know he’s hurting about everything but I just couldn’t actually believe his audacity to be that mean and that self-centred. It’s as if he doesn’t care about Elianna but we all know that to be false. He adores her and he loves her, just as Micky loves me and as Micky loves Jonah.

“What’s up, buttercup?” Micky whispered.

“Greg’s a fucking arsehole. That’s what’s up,” I spat sourly.

“What did he do?”

“It’s what he didn’t do.”

“Tell me,” Micky probed.

“He keeps fucking blaming himself for Elianna’s accident. He keeps calling himself a jerk and all this other crap. It’s beginning to piss me off because it wasn’t his fault. He’s just so far up his own ass to even care about getting help. It honestly makes me feel awful for the things I said but right now, I don’t really care. He just keeps pushing my buttons to the point where I just want to slap him so hard across the face and permanently disfigure him.”

“Hey, hey, stop getting yourself worked up,” Micky said soothingly as he rubbed his free hand up my arm. “Greg will blame himself until the ends of the earth. He feels sorely responsible because he’s the one who said those words and pushed her. He’ll think it’s his fault because of how severe it is. We don’t know what’s going on in either of their brains or how the incident messed them both up. Elianna trusted those people she called friends and they betrayed her. We don’t know what she was thinking when she did those things to herself but we can only hope it wasn’t because of Greg or anything else for that matter.”

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin