Part 7

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Part 7: -

May fifth

Greg’s POV

Last night was torture. They pulled Elianna and me apart, which meant we were separated. I don’t know what’s going on with her or what they’re doing to her and it scared the crap out of me. I was still in the room next to her but there was no way I’d ever be able to help her. I don’t know if they’ve drugged her or what, seeing Elianna hurt, hurts me. We were drugged as well, so it makes everything just that little bit more awful. The drug they gave me put me to sleep after feeling all these effects at the one time. Like one minute I was high, the next I wanted to run a marathon and then I was tired and deflated. It was a weird kind of drug.

    I was wallowing in self-pity here. I was bored and alone. It was like being in a horror film, where you don’t know what’s gonna happen next or who to turn too. Well, in my case right now, I had no one to turn to. Elianna was gone and I was left alone. I don’t even know if Elianna’s still breathing or what. I know that’s quite sadistic to think about but it’s true, I haven’t heard one peep out of her today.

“Eli?” I asked through the wall adjacent to hers.

“Greg?” She croaked.

“You alright?”

“Nope, I’m sore and tired and out of it” She croaked back.

“I’m sorry. I truly am. When we get out of here, I think you should forget about me,” I said teary eyed. I meant every word I said though; I was putting her in too much danger somehow.

“I just can’t forget everything though. I can’t forget about the way I feel for you and how I feel in general. I understand that I’m a prissy bitch at times and that I put myself forward in a sarcastic tone but I need you Greg,” She said with her voice wavering.

“Elianna, dating me isn’t simple. Heck, I wish my life was simple”

“Greg, I don’t freaking care how complicated your life is. I freaking like-like you and there’s no freaking way to get rid of it. Declan, my ex, was just a convoy to make you freaking jealous”

“Wait a second…You tried to make me jealous?”

“YES! Gosh! Do I have to repeat myself?”

“I heard you crystal clear but I think you should just say it again,” I smugly said.

“Not a chance Gregory”

“Awe, so not fair Elianna”

“All’s fair in love and war”

“Now you’re just proving you really are smart, especially for a blonde”

“Pot calling the kettle black, Greg. You’re blonde too, ya dumbo”

“I obviously know I’m blonde but honey, blondes are meant to be dumb. Especially the girl ones”

“Now, that’s definitely stereotyping”

“You know me, babe. You still tied up Elianna?”

“Yep, the rope’s still digging into my wrists and I’m pretty sure my wrists are cut open”

“I’m sorry I opened my big fat mouth. I’m also sorry I didn’t help you. Elianna, you don’t feel any different do you? Like in the downstairs department?”

“Not that I know of. Greg, why you asking these questions?”

“I’m scared in case they’ve raped you Elianna. Look, this might be hard for you to hear since you’ll probably kill me when we get out of here but I heard of their plan and it’s not a pretty one”

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now