Part 24

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Part 24:-

Elianna’s POV

I enjoyed my day out with Greg, I truly did. It made me feel slightly normal. It made me feel like I was myself again. Yes, we did have to avoid fans and paparazzi but I truly had fun. We just spoke about everything and anything; we even went window-shopping for things unknown. Ella also text Greg and told him that she had managed to buy the house. It was so quick as well, since she only put the bid in three days ago. She was just so lucky lately. Maybe someday I’ll get as lucky as her. However, I doubt it, nothing ever happens to me.

  When Greg and I returned to my flat, Dan was sat outside with his arms wrapped around his legs. He looked frightened like something had happened. I just looked at Greg, who just looked at me in pure confusion. Maybe Lottie’s begged him for forgiveness or maybe he’s just really broken, I don’t know. Or maybe, Ella’s kicked him up the backside to get him out his room. I don’t know. I was scared to talk to him because he did look so broken but it is partly my fault that he is anyhow. I always tend to wreck everything for everyone, even if it is unintentional.  I didn’t wanna be this broken, nor did I wanna break up relationships.

“Dan, what’s up mate?” Greg asked.

“I came to speak to you Elianna. I need to speak to you, privately,” Dan muttered.

“Ok…” I said, dragging out the ‘k’. It was definitely weird on his behalf but yeah.

“I’ll get you inside” Greg said, while kissing my forehead.

“Ok” I replied, “So what’s up Dan?” I continued asking as I sat down on the cold hard floor.

“You aren’t the reason why Lottie and I have broken up. It had been brewing for a while, and I thought that getting married would end all the arguing and all her irrational thoughts and feelings. She thought that before she moved down here, I was screwing around with Katie because we were always with her. However, when I explained that you were there too, she didn’t believe me or anything. That’s where I was when she was looking for jobs and you guys were looking at the house. I was ring shopping because I thought it’d make her happy and feel less insecure. However, I didn’t expect her to phone me complaining about how you were taking her best friend away from her, and that you were the biggest bitch possible. I know you’re not, I’ve known that since we moved down here. Yes, you did show signs of being a bitch but that’s only because you wanted to jump Greg’s bones and he reciprocated those feelings. He always gushed about how beautiful you were and how awesomely amazing you were. However, when Lottie told me about all the stuff you apparently said, I knew there was something wrong, which is why I asked for your perspective of the story. I know sometimes you’re meant to believe your girlfriend over your best friends but I instantly believed you guys. I did that because you’re so defenceless right now and there’s no way you’d backlash on her. There’s no way you’d ever call her the things she said that you’d called her. And then I saw the arguing first hand. I saw what she was doing and how she made you feel. You, yourself might’ve not have seen what you showed on your face but you were scared, you were frightened and I knew you felt like you were back with those idiots, those twats that hurt you. I also saw Ella’s face when Lottie threw the past back her in face. I saw how she felt and the hurt she had to relive. Losing a baby is a hard thing to deal with and having it thrown back is horrid. I just wish” Dan said choking up.

“Dan, you could’ve sorted things out with Lottie before breaking up was the solution. Maybe getting a ring was a bad thing, but maybe it was a good thing. I don’t know. You do still love her still, and it’s all right nothing’s ever easy. Life especially. I blame myself for everything because if I wasn’t around then Ella wouldn’t have found it necessary to stick up for me against her own best friend, and Lottie wouldn’t have thrown Ella’s dead child into the mix. She also wouldn’t have told people about Ella and Micky’s reason for getting married, to the whole of the internet. She also wouldn’t be bad shaming your bad, bad shaming Greg and everyone else involved with it. I’ve saw the tweets, I follow her so I get them. I also get people asking me about what she’s said and I do have people calling me for everything, for apparently breaking up the “power couple” of District3. I always thought the power couple was Micky and Ella, for everything they’ve overcome together. I seem to be corrected though. But Dan, I know you’re hurting and I know you don’t blame me, but I do blame me and it’s only because of the mind-set I’m in and with everything else happening. If I wasn’t so mentally screwed up, none of this would’ve happened and you’d be happy and still in love with her. Maybe I’m just bad luck to all of you, but maybe I’m not, I don’t know”

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now