Part 9

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Part 9:-

Micky’s POV

Dan and I were running as fast as we could to the police station. People we were passing must’ve been looking at us as if we were deranged or something. However, this was important. It could help us get our best friend and neighbour back. Well, I hoped it did. We need them back, severely. We needed those two back, we needed to hear their arguments, their voices but most of all we needed them to be them. We needed them to be normal, I know it’s virtually impossible since well, they look as if they’ve been tortured badly. Gah, it’s too hard.

“Mick, calm, we will get them back. I know we will” Dan reassured as we came to a stop outside the police station. I wish I could be as calm as he could but it’s hard. I might be the baby of the group but I personally think I’m the most sensible.

“I wish I could be as confident as you are Dan but I can’t. I feel like I failed him. I don’t know why but I do. I feel like I’ve failed him as a friend and everything else”

“Mick, it’s not your fault that he got kidnapped. It’s no one’s fault but the sadistic pricks that’s taken them both. I know you feel as if you’ve failed Greg in being a friend but you haven’t. You were the only one to notice that he hadn’t been back and you were the one who reported it - along with Katie, of course but Mick, you were the one who panicked and tried everything. You should be proud of what you’ve done and now that you have that video, it could help get them back,” Dan said smiling.

“I suppose I should but I can’t and I won’t until both are home and well,” I said solemnly.

“You were always so stubborn Mick”

“That’s me Stubborn Michael Parsons - father to be and husband” I smirked.

“Oh shh. I’m a step-father, kinda”

“You are indeed. C’mon, we best get this into them before someone manages to hack into my phone and steal it”

“Mick, you’ve been watching too much Pretty Little Liars

“I have not”

“You have, that isn’t even remotely possible in real life. You know, hacking into phones and deleting everything”

“It is possible; do you not remember the phone hacking scandal from the sun? You know where everyone ended up in court that was targeted. So I’ve not been watched too much Pretty Little Liars

“Mick, you have. Seriously, you watch it when Ella’s napping”

“Can you blame me? Lucy Hale is freaking gorgeous and if I wasn’t married and a few years older, I’d deffo try and get with her”

“Mate, you’d have no chance. Sorry to rain on your parade but I think she’s dating Ian Harding

“Dan, they’re just co-stars not actually dating. I’d deffo have a chance”

“Keep dreaming mate” Dan smirked before heading off into the police station. I just shook my head and followed him. What confused me though was how the hell Dan knew who Ian Harding was. Hmm, something tells me that he’s been watching it too.

“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” The receptionist asked Dan.

“Um, Micky help” Dan said towards me.

“I was in a few days ago, wait, I think it was yesterday and reported two people missing and I was wondering if I could speak to the detective in charge of leading the case” I rambled off.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now