Part 16

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Part 16: -

May Thirteenth.

Elianna’s POV

I felt on cloud nine. And it was all because of yesterday. The extraordinary feeling I got when I kissed Greg. The happiness I felt when we talked things over. Kissing as the sun went down, the location, the view and him.

   Ella also treated us to a meal as well, which was really nice of her but she didn’t have to. I understand it was to show her gratitude for both Greg and I still being here but she honestly didn’t have to do anything since she already bought Greg and I a new phone. I was thankful and I made that come across in my thank you statement, Greg did too.

    Today was the horrible day that I had to spend with a psychiatrist, telling whoever it was about all that happened in the damn warehouse and whatnot. I don’t wanna talk about it, I can’t talk about it. It’s too hard for me even to disclose. Each memory is fresh in my mind. Each timeline so crystal clear and each haunting so fresh. Yesterday when I saw the police entering our building, I thought they were coming to tell Greg and me when the court date was. Obviously, they went somewhere else. I just hope the court date was soon because I just wanna forget about ever facing them again. The feelings of no remorse keep coming back and forth in my head. I feel like I should forgive them but then I think I shouldn’t. They took my innocence and left me scarred for all eternity. They left me broken and bruised and there’s no way I can ever get my first time back again. There’s no way I can get over the horribleness that I feel within myself whenever someone wants to touch me sexually. There’s no way that I can forget about their touches or their roughness. The leaps and bounds they went to, to make me not scream in pain. It’s just so horrible.

“Elianna, there’s someone here to see you” Katie said wakening me up.

“Who?” I asked nonchalantly and sleepily.

“The police. They wouldn’t tell me what it was for but they specifically asked for you” She responded.

“Ok, I’ll be out in a second. Just need to waken up” I said, coming to.

“Sure. I’ll be out there waiting” She smiled. I hated how protective was of Greg and me now but I knew they cared. I knew they didn’t want anything to happen to either of us again but they just kept smothering us in love, really.

    I was quickly changed out of my caterpillar onesie, and made my way towards the living room. I was scared for the confrontation with the officers to be honest with you. I was scared in case they were coming to arrest me for something I haven’t done. Well, apart from break out onto the roof of our building yesterday. Recalling back on yesterday brought a smile to my face. The happiness feelings have never left me. It’s all I dreamt about last night, during my sleep.

“Ah, good morning Miss Borthwick” Officer Maldov said.

“Good morning to you too. Sorry I’ve just woken up” I stated politely.

“It’s not a bad thing and we apologise for doing so but we are here to tell you that the court case will be held tomorrow. Both you and Mr West are required to give evidence. I apologise on the behalf of us all, on the time, it’s taken to tell you the news but we only found out this morning that they’d brought the date forward since the holding cells have become cramped. The original date was for next week, on the Wednesday but unfortunately, you’ll be reliving it sooner than later”

“I have to relive it today. Unfortunately, I - well, Greg and I both - have to visit a psychiatrist today. In an hour’s time, actually. But thank you for coming to tell me the news. Has Greg heard the news yet?” I stated then asked.

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