Part 20

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Part 20: -

Greg’s POV

When I growled at Laurie, her face turned a deeper shade of red. As if she knew, she was found out. I didn’t care what Elianna thought of me at this point. I just wanted to know as to why Laurie played with my ever so fragile mind. I’d just been out of a kidnapping situation and then she made me feel weaker than what I already was. How the hell is that even remotely possible? She made me feel worthless, especially, when she let me tell everything to her and then she just waved me off as if I was nothing. I felt worthless there and then, so I don’t know anymore. My whole mind is completely and utterly messed up. I don’t know what’s going on anymore, nor do I even know what to say to anyone. I feel like they’re all going to turn out like Laurie and pretend to care but then just wave me off, two minutes later.

“What can’t handle the unconfined truth, Gregory?” She sniggered.

“What truth? Oh, you mean the one where you tied up my psychiatrist, stuffed her in your cupboard, and then posed as my therapist? Then made me spill my guts and then just waved me off like nothing. That truth?” I snapped back in her face.

“That’s the exact one” She sneered.

“You’re such a freaking sick individual. What exactly do you have against me? You don’t know me at all” I retaliated back to her.

“Oh, I know you all so well. I know you both so well. Let’s just say, I know exactly what happened those three days you were gone” She sniggered.

“What?!” Elianna gasped.

“Oh little innocent Elianna, you act so stupid and inane to everything. When in actual fact, it’s been right under your nose the whole time. Your relationship with Declan was set up by me. I might’ve been angry about it because I liked him a lot - but, you see, I was married also. Married to one of your kidnappers. However, your relationship was a ploy, so we could get a better understanding of everything. Of your life and as to how you get about. You see, we’ve heard almost everything, from what you told the police to what you’ve to him. And as to how you broke down the night Declan dumped your sorry little ass. I know the lot. I’m also the one who drugged you both, without any suspicion being raised. And the only reason I managed to drug you both, was because it was my club you both ended up in. And dear Gregory, you’re a twat if you that little miss innocent loves you” Laurie spat before walking off.

   I know Elianna’s going to be feeling so cut up about this but I feel angry. I feel as if I didn’t do a good enough job at protecting Elianna. I feel like I should’ve been able to have done more to keep her safe. I, however, feel responsible for driving her to end up there. I’m the one who made her get drunk that night, because I was the one who drove her to feeling crushed. It’s my fault that she lost her virginity at such a really bad time.

   However, to say I was angry was an understatement. I was livid for what she just announced. I was completely erratic for the fact that she’s gotten away with drugging us in her own club. I’m surprised that she’s not been reprimanded in custody for “allowing” someone to drug people randomly. I thought the police would’ve done a search in her club, done forensics or something. I was angry for the fact that she’s able to roam around this world, unscathed and free, when she’s something to do with the kidnappers. She’s the wife of one of them and that annoys me like hell. I wish the police would actually do something about her. I have no idea as to how Elianna’s feeling about all this. She’s as quiet as a mouse right now, and I’m literally pulling her away from the cow’s house. I wish I could’ve gotten that on tape but I wasn’t quite so smart and she would’ve seen me go into my pocket for my phone. I just don’t know what to do about life anymore. It’s as if it’s not worth living.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now