Chapter 1

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[Edited 12/08/2020] Stuff has changed, please be sure to read through.

Tsukiko's POV

I sat in the corner of the room with my Father and big sister, Yona. Yona-nee was complaining about her hair again. I've never understood why she hates it so much, in my opinion it's beautiful, the colour reminds me of the sky at dawn. I've tried telling her this, but I'm so quiet that she never hears me. She doesn't do it on purpose of course. My presence is so low that I can be right next to someone, and they won't know I'm there.  

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a weight on top of my head. I looked up to see Hak looking down at me. "You okay? You seemed out of it." He asked, a spark of worry evident in his blue orbs. I nodded and smiled up at him, having to crane my neck upwards since he's so tall. 

"Yes, I'm okay Hak, thank you. I was just thinking is all." I replied, looking away and to where my family had previously been, but they were no longer present in the room. I sighed and looked to Hak again. 

"Where did Father and Yona-nee go?" I asked him, trying to keep the smile on my face, they had left without speaking or acknowledging me at all.

"The princess went off to find Lord Soo-Won, and His Majesty Il, left not longer after her, did't say where to though." He explained bluntly, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 

"I see. Thank you." I replied sighing, and standing up, smoothing out my blue dress. 

"How about we go find the Princess?" Hak asked trying to cheer me up, he could always tell when I was down, even without the obvious signs. I grinned and nodded my head.

"Of course, let's go!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Hak smiled and held the door open for me, then began leading me in search of Yona-nee. It didn't take long, we had been walking in the hallways outside for a couple minutes, when we saw her standing in the stoned part of the many halls, talking to herself. 

"All that effort gone to waste." Hak teased, as he walked over to her and casually lent against the railing, eating a meat bun. 

"SHUT UP!" Yona-nee shouted angrily at Hak. She turned towards me and I waved, giving her a bright smile, thinking she had actually seen me. However she just walked straight past me mumbling "Stupid Soo-Won." I sighed and let my hand drop to my side.

"Hak, I know I should be used to this by now, but I can't help but think, am I really so invisible that my own family don't notice me?" I asked, feeling a tear fall from my eye, and down my pale freckled cheek.

"Princess..." Hak hesitated, clearly not sure how he could respond. Of course it's a hard question to just spring on someone.

"It's okay Hak. I'm fine." I assured quietly. But I couldn't help the tears that started to slowly fall down my face. I hadn't cried in so long, it's like the damn had finally been released and I began to quietly sob. Hak quickly pulled me into his chest and stroked my hair in comfort.

"Come on, Princess. Tears don't suit you. You should always have a bright smile on that cute face of yours." Hak spoke softly, as he pulled away and wiped my tears. I nodded my head lightly and gave him a small smile. He frowned slightly, looked me in the eyes and paused, as though he were thinking before he spoke.

"Princess, you're not invisible. If you were, myself and all the other servants of the castle, wouldn't notice you. But we do, and we are grateful for this. Seeing your bright smile is what gives a lot of us motivation. Don't lose that part of yourself, and remember that you do have people that will always be there for you in your time of need. Do you understand?" Hak explained, giving me one of his rare smiles. I sniffled, very moved by why he had said. I couldn't let this sadness change who I am. Wiping the rest of my tears on my dress sleeve, I took a determined breath to compose myself, and gave him the biggest grin I could muster.

Moon Child (Book 1) ~Yoon x OC~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu