what just happened?!

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After the bell had rung, i still couldnt really move. I was frozen in place, all because of a kiss on the cheek. All of my thoughts were frazzled and I was extremely confused.

Gamzee on the other hand seemed to be just fine, having walked out a few minutes ago. Slowly, i stood from my chair and made my way towards the parking lot, passing a few straggling students.

Something I just don't understand was why? Why did Gamz do that?

"Ok. no." I whispered to myself, shaking my head. I had to calm my thoughts, or else id be a jumbled mess in front of Gamz. Shit.

As I approached the car, Gamzee was leaning against it. He watched me, with a goofy smile.

"Hey best friend." He said to me, pulling me into a hug. It was like bio never happened.

"H-hey" I replied, returning his hug. I took a few deep breaths before looking up at him and said "I need to talk to you about something when we get home okay?"

His indigo eyes flashed with concern before returning to normal. Gamz nodded before getting in the car, and starting it.

-------- ---------- ------------

Once we got to the house my hands were shaking and my eyes flashed to my parents bed room door. I shook my head quickly, and dropped my stuff in my room. I ended up just looking off into space, and i mustve been doing that for a considerable amount of time, because Gamzee had walked in and wrapped his arms around me.

I jumped back, further into his embrace when he touched me, "Whoa. shit. Hey there Gamz." I let out a small nervous laugh, my cheeks pink.

"Hey sam. What did you want to talk to me about?" He questioned, meeting my eyes with his.

"oh.. U-uhm.." I shook my head. "You just.. in Biology.. k-ki..." i bit my lip and shook my head. "N-never mind gamz. It doesnt really matter." I smiled up at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me and nodded "If you say so." I nodded and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. It was so hard and embarrassing to bring that stuff up around him. I don't even know why. Well yes I do. Im damn near in love with him.

I sighed quietly and walked to the kitchen, pulling out a redpop, "Think fast!" and threw it at Gamzee. Surprisingly he caught it. He must be sobering up. Shit. Gotta keep him calm now. "motherfuck." i swore under my breath.

"Nice throw Samantha" He grinned, popping open the can and taking a gulp of it.

I just smiled and took a look in the fridge for food. "What do you feel like for dinner Gamzee?" I asked looking back at him.

".....tacos." He nodded in agreement with himself. "Yeah. tacos sound motherfuckin perfect"

I grinned and nodded, "Well youre in luck. Because we have the ground beef and most of the seasonings needed for it" I mentioned to him as I pulled out the pan needed for the meat and the spices and shells that would be needed.

Gamzee just grinned.


After dinner we ended up watching The Avengers, and this time I didnt fall asleep on him. However, he did have me pulled close to him, in a cuddly way which i was pretty much used to.

His arm was around my waist, and my legs were across his lap, and my head leaning on his chest. If anyone were to see they would think we were together or at least hooking up. But no. This is just how we were with eachother normally it seemed.

When the movie ended it was about midnight. Gamz look at me "Another movie, or should we just go our separate ways for the night?" The way he said that it seemed like he was hoping for another movie.

I shook my head, "We should really get some rest Gamz.." i looked up at him to see him pouting. "Really Gamzee?"

He only nodded, though there was a mischevious glint in his eyes. I shook my head and grinned, changing the way I was sitting to straddling his lap, and leaning up to whisper in his ear "the way you said that, you made it seem like you just wanted more time close to me like this" And sat back awaiting his response for a moment before standing from his lap.

Before I got two steps away from him, he had gotten ahold of my wrist pulling me back, "Two things Sam. Yes. that is what I meant. And were you just trying to tease me?" He grinned, a faint blush on his cheeks. He seemed a bit cocky now, my prior confidence gone.

"I.. uh.. don't know what that was to be honest. But if you stay close we can just stay in one room for the night.. thatd be ok.." I looked at him. He seemed really happy at that.

"Come on then" He grinned picking me up bridal style and carrying me off to my room, placing me on my feet to get changed.

"Gimme a few minutes to change gamzee." I said shoving him out of my room and closing the door behind him. I quickly got changed into a tank top and sweat pants that rested loosely on my hips. By the time i went to open the door, Gamz was standing there, shirtless, and in fleece polka dot pants. "Hey." I murmured, letting him in.

Gamz smiled and pulled me with him into my bed, "aren't you cuddly today?" I asked him as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, tucking me into his chest.

"I don't know why. But I cant get enough of this.." he murmured into my hair, setting my face on fire.

"me neither.." I breathed out.

Humanstuck-- Gamzee's Miracle.. (In love with Gamzee Makara)Where stories live. Discover now