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Disclaimer: I don't own these YouTubers. If I did, it would be called slavery. Slavery is bad. This has been, a PSA.

Third Person PoV

   "Haha! I win again!" Brian fist pumped the air, a wide grin on his face. "Ey, Moo, you in for another match?" Brian couldn't help but crack his knuckles in preparation. Brock 'mm'ed thoughtfully.

  "Yeah, sure," he said. His voice sounded far off, as if he were thinking about something else.

  "Hey, is somethin' bothering you? You've been distracted all game." Brian couldn't help but feel like Brock wasn't entirely there.

   "Hmm? Oh, no, nothing's wrong, Brian. My boss just chewed my squad and I out because we lost a case to another department."

   Brian stared at his computer screen, eyes unblinking. "Uhh, Moo? That sounds like something wrong, bud. You wanna talk about it?"

   Moo didn't say anything.

   "No," he sighed heavily, "I don't want to, but it's probably better that I do. . . See, Liam--my boss-- he hates my team and me. Like, he's willing to sack us at the slightest thing, but Luke always plays the 'That's-Against-Our-Civil-Rights' card. But it doesn't stop him from trying to get us all fired. So today, early in the morning, someone broke into a bank and completely destroyed its vault. Most of the money was shredded and the walls and ceiling were painted on." Guiltily, Brian waa glad Brock hadn't gotten that case. Despite Brock's boss's anger, Brian much preferred that to Brock on that case.

   "Sounds like that musta been several people to me," Brian replied, taking a sip from a can of Monster. Je only ever really drank the green one, but this time he had had to conform with a blue one. The green ones were extremely popular here, apparently.

   "Yeah, that makes sense, but that's not the problem." Moo continued. "Liam intentionally sent my team and me in blind. He didn't tell us where the bank was, so we had to talk to other cops in the area to figure that out, and then, because we got there after our back up from the other department, we had to be the back up, so the case went to the first team."

   "And lemme guess," Brian set the Monster down. "You guys got in trouble."

   "Yes! And it wasn't our fault!" Moo's voice went up several steps of the musical scale. "But we still got chewed out, which sucked, but at least the others on the force were nice and one guy even gave us cookies that his kids made."

   "Were they poisoned?" The Irishman couldn't help but envision a small seven year old adding several drops of rat poison to the batter; their wide, innocent looking eyes glinting with malice and mischief.

   Moo snorted, laughing as he said, "No! God, Brian, not every child is a devious murderer."

   "Hey, you never know," Brian raised his hands in a peace position. "Kids're crazy these days."

   "Not that crazy." Moo laughed, the sound of his slightly squeaky computer chair coming through Discord along with his giggles. Brian joined in, trying to stifle his laugh. It could get a little loud and obnoxious sometimes.

   A vibration brought him back from the brink of laughing his ass off.

   Hey, you got any easy to reach safe houses nearby? -S

   Brian paused for a second before answering. Yeah, just let me find the address. -T

   "Hey, Moo, I gotta cut this short. Duty calls." Guilt came crashing down. This was their down time, where he and Moo could relax and complain about stupid and senseless things; now here Brian was, putting work in front of his friendship.

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