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[Only read if you came from Chapter #18]

They left under the stars, sped past the robots in the Strip, and hopped onto the roads of Freeside. The woman can't stop grinning at him. The moonlight captures his figure perfectly, even as he runs next to heaps of trash and crumbling buildings. She couldn't help a little giggle, either.

Fox looks back at her. They were walking now. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." Her face falls to a smirk. "Thanks for fightin' those Chairmen with me."

"Yeah, no problem. Never liked The Tops anyways."

"So let me make this straight...You burst in on me and Benny cuz of what?"

"To make sure he never went through on that deal. It was nasty. He's a fuckin' rat."

She chuckles, "Boy, you sure gave me a scare. I thought you were one of his guards or somethin'. I was ready to splatter blood on the walls."

Fox laughs nervously, "Yeah...Didn't know you'd brought a knife with you."

"Hey, you snuck a pistol in, too!"

"Yeah, well," he shrugged, "great minds think alike."

She pointed to the rabbit's foot dangling from his neck. "So what's that? That's new."

He glances down and turns a bit red in the cheeks, "Oh, this? This's my one piece of luck. I keep it with me."

"Oh, is that what you were trying to bargain for with Benny? About the lost and found?"


"Aw." Her smile only grew bigger. "That's cute."

And he only turned redder. "Thanks."

They pass under the shadow of the Old Mormon Fort and stop at Freeside's North Gate.

Fox looks back at her. "Oh, you're still following me."

"You bet I am."


"You can't just have a gunfight with a guy and then let him beat feet. And where else do you think I have to go?"

Fox lights a cigarette. "I don't know, do you live somewhere in Freeside?"






"Boulder City?"

"No one lives there."


"Thank God no."



"Where the hell do you live then?"

She puts her hands on her hips. "Where do you think? I got a giant pack full of illegal weapons, rations, crazy green hair."


"Yeah, you dipstick."

"Oh. Prospector?"

"Sorta. Not really."


She chuckles, "The real question here is where do you live? You stopped here at the North gate, so I'm starting to wonder if you're a wastelander, too. But you don't look like it. You look more like a King's member that's gone down the hole."

He frowns and flicks the cigarette into the pavement, squashing it with his shoe. That isn't exactly a topic he'd like to explain. "Oh, I see. Turnin' the tables on me."


He decides to keep it simple, keep all the King's stuff out of it, "I don't live anywhere."

"Kay, where're you goin'?"

"Into the wasteland."

She strolls up to him and snickers, "Well ain't that dandy? We're goin' the same way. Soooo...Since you got nowhere else to go, wanna come with?"

Fox glances at her face. It was like watching a coyote—calm yet mischievous eyes, clever as hell. But boy she was adorable, too.

"Yeah, I could come with."

She bursts into a cry of laughter, runs across the broken pavement, and grips the lock on the North gate. "Come on then, I'll show you the twists and turns of the Mojave, and we'll both make sure we don't get eaten or blown to bits, right?"

He smiles back. "Right."

To continue your story, go to Chapter #33

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