하나 [Hana]

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Love is emblem or eternity; it confounds all motion of time; effects all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.

Madame De Stall



Authors Pov

He was in deep slumber after the last night party in the club all he could do was to sleep.

But a faint sound of crying sustain him to enjoy more of his sleep he shifted his position on the bed trying to loose the sound but with passing minutes it only grew until when his eyes opened widely staring the ceiling and his ears almost busting from the sound of crying.

He groaned in annoyance holding his head sitting on the bed trying to figure out the source of sound. His head was hurting like hell as if someone is hitting with hammer over it.

"I guess last night I drank too much"

But again the crying sound was making every thing worst for him only increasing the pain in his throbbing head.

"Gosh..whose baby is this?"

Looking around his eyes popped out of his socket when he found a baby crying continuously beside him on the bed. The baby's eyes were close tightly and his palms were closed as well flying in the air. The baby kept yelling at the highest pitch.

He got confused, he wasn't aware about the existence of baby which was crying nonstop on his bed. He jump away from the bed watching the baby from far.

"A baby in my bed'

He tried to remember about last night but he couldn't remember anything all he could remember was going to club after that what happened he had no idea. It seems like someone has deleted that part from his memory.

From the endless amount of alcohol, continuous crying of baby and trying to remember about the yesterday night his head started to hurt more.

He walked out of the room leaving the crying baby trying to ignore the crying and get some pills to calm down his pain.

He swallowed the pill in hurry wanting to get rid of the pain as soon as possible. He sat down on his couch closing his eyes once he felt little relief but couldn't concentrate cause of the continuous cry of a baby and it was increasing with seconds.

He forcibly walked to the room to look at the baby. He walked closer examining him.

Small eyes

Small nose

Small lips

Small hands

Small legs.

Everything about him was small he tried to make him quiet by making sound from his tongue but nothing worked.

At last he thought of holding the baby in his arms. He carefully placed his both arms underneath the baby and lifted the baby making sure he was doing right.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He talked angrily with the baby expecting for a reply.

"So you won't reply... Rude"... He murmured trying to swing his arms to make the baby calm.

But his action was interrupted when the house bell rang continuously making Manik more irritated then he was.

He walked to the main gate holding the baby in his arms who was crying continuously.

"Who is here to disturb?"

After a struggle he finally managed to open the door only to see a girl about his age was standing with an angry face with her pajama hairs spreading over her face signalling she just woke up.

He had an urge to laugh at her condition but he controlled his best to fight the laugh away.

"Yes?"... He asked rather annoyed.

"Will you keep that baby quiet?"... She sounded angry ready to explode.

"I can't he is hungry".... He replied rolling his eyes. Which made her more angry. She was keeping herself from slapping him.

"Then feed him.. Its annoying I cannot sleep with so much of noise"... This time she yell making her eyes big.

But soon she realized where he was looking following his gaze which rested on her breast she back away a little crossing both her hands hiding the view.

"You pervert where are looking at?"... She wanted to kick him where sun doesn't shine for boys.

"Umm.. Can..can you breast feed my baby?"... He asked still looking at her breast hoping for a yes from her but his eyes lifted up when he felt sharp pain on his right cheek.

"Pervert" .. She walked away annoying to her apartment which was just besides his closing the door sharply.

"What did I do?"

He stood there holding a crying baby helplessly.


Here is the trailer.. Hope you like it.
Do give your feed back and suggestion.
More will be coming after


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