"(Y/N) do not run indoors it's very improper!"

"Jojo you could very well fall down the stairs at that speed."

And of course neither of you listened to them. 

As soon as Jonathan got to the bottom of the stairs you two hugged. "It's been ages (Y/N). I thought you might have forgotten about me." You laughed as the two of you parted from each other. "Come on Jojo who could possibly forget you?" You replied ruffling up his hair a bit.

"Ah what I'd give to be young and in love again." You heard your father comment.

"I-it's not like that!" You and Jonathan simultaneously shouted with a blush on both of your cheeks.

Both of your fathers chuckled at your response while your mother hit your father for the comment. "Oh so your not in love now?" She stated.

Your father became flustered. "Ah no I didn't mean it like that..." 

"Hey (Y/N), let's go outside and play with Danny. It's kind of stuffy in here." Jojo whispered in your ear.

"Sounds like a plan to me." You whispered back to him. You both tiptoed towards the door as an attempt to escape when a voice you never heard before spoke up.

"Mister Joestar what's going on?" 

You turn your head towards the voice to see a boy around your and Jojo's age, who had long blonde locks and piercing honey like eyes.

"Ah yes, you do remember me telling you about the family friend who would be staying over with his family, come and meet the (L/N)'s." George gestured towards your parents and you stopped in your tracks.

"(Y/N) what are you doing? We should go now." Jojo pouted. 

"Yes but it'd be rude for me to just leave, I mean he is part of the reason why we came to visit." You replied.

"Trust me you don't want to meet him." Jonathan mumbled to himself.

"What?" You asked not quite hearing what Jonathan had said.

"My apologies I didn't realize that was today." The boy responded, bowing politely. 

"It's all good lad. It's very nice to meet you." Your father replied and shook his hand. After that the boy greeted your mother and then locked eyes with you.

You sharply inhaled as he begun to walk towards you.

For some reason you felt extremely nervous, but not in the school girl crush nervous, more as in the prey being locked in by the ever so nearing predator that would do anything to destroy it.

Nonetheless you did your best to put that feeling behind you and curtsied.  "It's nice to meet you uh..." You trailed off, slightly panicking at remembering that you weren't paying attention at all when your mother and father were talking about the kid you were about to visit. 

You sweat dropped, no doubt it that if you looked at your mother now she'd be glaring at your stupidity.

"It's Dio. Dio Brando." He stated as he took a grasp of your hand and delicately kissed the top of your fingers.

You could feel Jonathan glowering from behind you and he quickly grabbed a hold of your hand which Dio had kissed. 

"If it's alright father (Y/N) and I will be playing with Danny down by the river." Jonathan stated as he leaded you out the front door without waiting for his father's reply.

(Mini Timeskip)

"Jojo what was that all about?" You questioned after you finally made it to the river.

Jonathan threw a stick for Danny to catch before replying. "I don't trust Dio. Something about him doesn't feel right."

"You can't judge someone without really getting to know them Jojo." You paused. "I'm sure Dio isn't all that bad."

"That's what I'd like to believe too. But as soon as he got here he kicked Danny square in the face." Danny whined a bit as if he was just reminded of the painful memory. "And to make things worse all my father does nowadays is pointing out how much better Dio is at everything compared to me." Jonathan patted Danny sullenly.

You put a hand on Jonathan shoulder to reassure him. "I'm sure Mr. Joestar doesn't believe that Dio is better than you, he's probably just trying to help Dio feel more comfortable and to be able to adjust more. He just wants you to excel in life."

"Yeah maybe..." Jonathan trailed off. "Hey (Y/N)." 

"Yes Jojo?"

"I don't want you to hang around Dio a lot, he might do something bad to you and if I wasn't there to stop it I don't know what I'd do with myself." Jonathan stared at you with pleading eyes.

You smiled at him and replied. "Of course Jojo."

A Midnight's Innocence: Dio Brando x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now