24. N-Neko..?

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I wake up to a happy Sakura. She smiles, jumping up and down on my bed. "(Y/n) where's Kitty?", she asks. You shrug your shoulders and get off your bed. "Neko!? Neko!?", you call. The house is quiet, you begin searching. You start with his favorite spots. On top of the fridge, no. On the couch, no. Under your bed, no. Where is that cat? You grab a bag of his food and begin shaking it. "Neko!?". No response, you sigh and collapse on the couch. Sakura pokes you in the side, your turn your head towards her. "Are you OK?", she asks. you nod and give her a reassuring smile. You sit Sakura at the table, handing her several pieces of paper as well as some coloring pencils. She gives you a thankful nod and begins drawing what looks to be a butterfly. You open the curtains in the lounge and that's when you felt it. A sharp pang in your chest. You lost control of your body, before you knew it you were running towards the road. In the middle lay an unmoving pile of (f/c) fur. Tears threatened to fall and you let them, they dripped into the cat's soft fur. You picked Neko up and held him close to your chest, his blood rubbing into your clothes. An old woman walked towards you, a sad look in her eyes. "I'm sorry dear", she said. You ignored her and nuzzled your face into Neko's fur. Then you heard it, it was faint but it was a heart beat. The woman was holding a small blanket and handed it to you. "Please ma'am can you watch over my cousin?", you ask. She nods and makes her way over to your house. You wrap the blanket around Neko and run. You run as fast as you can, tears still fall. Not tears of sadness, but tears of hope. You can save him, he is alive and you can save him. You run and don't even notice the hosts walking down the street towards your house.

With the hosts

The hosts had planned on visiting (Y/n) and Sakura today. There wasn't much to do on the weekend, well for them anyway. They may have been rich but they just wanted to hang out with the (h/c) haired girl who captured their hearts. They were casually chatting when they saw someone run out into the middle of the road and collapse to their knees. "Who's that?", Kaoru questions. The others shrug, they were too far away to see who it was. Another person made their way out onto the road and handed the kneeling person something. "Do you think their OK?", Haruhi asks. "I'm not too sure but we should leave it, it doesn't concern us", instructed Kyoya. They see the standing person make their way into (Y/n)'s house and then another running down the street. The hosts couldn't see (y/n)'s face because it was hidden by the blanket. They group knocked on (Y/n)'s front door and were greeted by the old woman. "How may I help you?", she asks. "We were looking for (Y/n), the girl who lives here", Tamaki says. The old woman looks sadly at the hosts. "The poor girl's cat just got hit by a car, she is running to the vet". The hosts eyes widen, that girl carrying the blanket was (Y/n). The first to start running was Mori, followed by Kaoru, Tamaki, Huni and then Kyoya. "Those love struck idiots", chuckled Hikaru. He called a car and waited outside (Y/n)'s house with Haruhi.

With you

You ran to the vet, your feet slapped against the hard concrete. You hadn't even stopped to put shoes on, you were only wearing socks. You accidentally fell asleep in your clothes from yesterday so you were lucky not to be in your pajamas. You hugged Neko close to your chest as you ran towards the vet. You ran through the large glass doors and panted, trying to regain your breath. "How may I help you?", asks the woman at the reception, raising her eyebrows. "Please *pant* Neko *pant* car *pant* dying", was all you managed to get out. Her eyes widen and she runs forward and takes Neko from your arms. "Follow me", she instructs. You nod and follow her down a long hall way. She sits you down in a waiting room and takes Neko into another room. She comes out and gives you a sad smile. "We have our best vet helping him right now, I will get you the paper work to fill out". You nod and she walks away. She comes back five minutes later with a clipboard and a pen. "Fill this out please". You nod and begin filling it in.

With running boys

The boys arrive and pant, regaining their breath. "Is (Y/n) here?", Mori asks the receptionist. "Um yes she is, follow me", she says. The boys nod and follow her down the long hall way. There they see (Y/n), her arms wrapped around her knees, face hidden behind her hair. She silently sobs, letting out small whimpers. Mori sits next to her and comfortingly rubs her back. You looks up and then hugs him, crying into his chest. She pulls away and hugs her knees again. "I'm sorry to trouble you with my emotions", she says emotionless. "Its OK (Y/n), you can cry all you want?", reassured Kaoru. "Shi told me one day we would get a cat and we would name him Neko, he told me that he would be there for me always, when Shi wouldn't be". There was silence. "Neko was given to me by my grandmother when Shi died, he was what kept me alive, when I was all alone". "What do you mean he kept you alive?", Tamaki asks. "I didn't need friends when I had Shi, we promised to stick together forever, but when Shi was gone I was alone I had no one, you've seen the cuts on my arms, I t-tried t-to k-kill m-myself". Huni wrapped his arms around her. "(Y/n)-chan you aren't alone anymore, you have us, we will never leave you", he whispered. You couldn't help but cry harder. "T-thank you", you sobbed.

Ten minutes later you heard the door next to you open. A small woman with light brown hair exited the room, a sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry darling but his condition is unstable, he is going to need to be put down", she said. "You can come in and say your good byes". You swallowed hard and you entered the room to see Neko laying unconscious on a examination table. The tears just kept falling, you couldn't stop them. You knelt down next to him gently petting his fur. "Hey Neko, I'm gonna miss you buddy, please tell Shi I love him when you see him, I bet you two will be the best friends". You wipe your tears but they are replaced with new ones. "Make sure Shi takes good care of you, I love you Neko with all of my heart, you saved me, you saved me from myself". You coughed as you got your breath caught in your throat. "Thank you Neko, thank you my first friend I owe you my life". You sigh and kiss Neko gently on his head before walking out of the room, not a word or a glance at anyone. As you left the vet Hikaru and Haruhi arrived."Hiya (Y/n) is Neko OK?", Hikaru asks. You don't even bother to look at them, you just walked away.

Time skip

You hadn't gone to school for four days. The hosts were all worrying about you. There was a knock at your front door, you didn't bother to answer. A few minutes later you heard you bedroom door creak open. "Hey (Y/n) are you doing alright?", called Kyoya. You didn't answer, you pulled the blanket over your head. "(Y/n) don't ignore me", he chuckles. He pulls the blanket off you, you lay there with your eyes closed pretending to be asleep. You flinched when you felt something wet and sand papery stroke your face. Your eyes fluttered open and you didn't know if you were dreaming or not. Sitting beside you was a familiar fluffy face. "N-Neko?". He let out an excited meow and nuzzled his head into yours. "H-how?", you stutter. Kyoya chuckles and adjusted his glasses.

Flash back

Kyoya waited for everyone else to leave before approaching the vet. "How may I help you?", she asks. "Is there anything at all that can help the cat?", he asks. The woman hesitates but then nods. "Yes there is a very difficult procedure but it is very expensive". Kyoya pulls out his wallet and counts through several notes. "How much?".

End of flash back

I hugged Neko close to my chest and cried with tears of happiness. Neko moved off me and looked from me to Kyoya. I jump off my bed and hug him, crying into his chest. "Thank you", you whisper.

Ugh I'm crying like an idiot now. I can handle the death of people but pets just hit home for me. I have been in the same kind of scenario, My cat Fry was one of my closest friends and when I was only holiday I got a call from my mum telling me that he had just been hit by a car. It was really sad, but I'm glad that I finally moved on. It does sadden me every time I think about him, but I will always hold him close to my heart. Thank you for reading my story, I really appreciate it. I'm just glad that there is something that I can create that others enjoy. I always have people criticizing me because I like to write fan fiction, but I know I'm not alone because there is a whole community of people doing the same thing. Please vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

The New Girl (OHSHC x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें