14. A new friend

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Woohooo it's Friday. The last day of school for the week. You quickly got dressed and pet Neko on the head before running out of the door. You jumped into the car and journeyed towards school. It was really cold and you held your self for warmth, you weren't really paying attention as you hopped out of the car and walked straight into some one. Causing you both to fall onto your backsides. You rubbed your forehead where your heads had collided and looked over to see a boy around your age. He pushed himself up and offered you a hand. You smiled and accepted it. "I'm sorry", you mumbled. He smiled back at you and shrugged. "Don't worry about it, I'm Yuma", he said extending his arm. You shook his hand and blushed. "My name is (y/n), I haven't seen you around here, are you new?".  Yuma nodded. You both talked as you walked around the school, because he was new you decided to give him a tour.

Ten minutes later the bell rang, you waved to him before turning the corner and walking into class. Haruhi and Hikaru sat talking to each other, while Kaoru sat reading. What! Kaoru was reading. You sat in between Haruhi and Kaoru he looked up as you sat down. "Hey (y/n)", he said looking up from his book. You him a strange look. "Since when do you read?". He smiled, ignoring your question.  You sighed, what was up with him today?

Kaoru's POV

I looked over at (y/n) while she was writing. I put away my book and started to complete my work. (Y/n) really motivated me to do my work, always telling me I should do it and that I can. I hadn't started reading until I met her, first I tried it to impress her but I got hooked. The story engulfed me, I was in a totally different world when reading. Thinking about it made me smile, I saw (y/n) catch me smiling to myself and giggling. I sighed I hope I was enough.

Your POV

You had finished your work early and decided to read. You caught Kaoru reading the text at the back. Was he really interested in reading or was he trying to play a trick on me? You sighed your group of friends was hard work.

At lunch you saw Yuma sitting by himself, so you decided to join. He noticed you as you walked over and smiled. "You don't have to sit next to me if you don't want to". "No of course I want to sit with you". A blush grew on your face, why had I just said that? He placed a hand over his mouth and giggled. You two were the same height and he had curly, light brown hair that sat messily on top of his head. When ever you two spoke you would end up laughing. He was hilarious and you couldn't help but giggle at his jokes. Other people around us laughed at us as we did, all except one. The girl that you truly hated, the one with red hair. You had discover after you had punched her that her name was Hana, he presence angered you. There was still a large bruise on her face from last time when you punched her. "Hey can you and your boyfriend shut up", she snarled. You stood up, rolling up the sleeves of you dress. "Hana want me to punch you in your other eye", you growled back. Yuma grabbed your arm and pulled you away.

"Did you punch that girl?", he asked. You sighed, slightly nodding your head. He gave you a reassuring smile and you walked off together.

Hosts POV

The host were sitting underneath a large tree when they heard a familiar laugh. They all looked around and saw (y/n) and Yuma walking together, both laughing. Mori and Kaoru tensed and started to get up, Huni grabbed them and forced them to sit back down. Huni looked at them with a very disappointed look in his eyes. "You two can't interfere with (y/n)'s relationships", he stated. They all remembered last time when they assumed one of (y/n)'s male friends was interested in her. They had followed them to a cafe and even out to dinner and in the end found out that he was gay. A complete waste of time, but really entertaining to watch. When Huni had let go of them and turned around the rest had snuck off to see where (y/n) and Yuma were going.

(Y/n) and Yuma were sitting on a bench in the school garden. They all watched intensely studying every single one of their moves. Huni came running over to join them, but stubbornly sat facing the other direction. Then their ears perked up, when they heard the sound of their voices. "(Y/n) do you wanna hang out after school?" asked Yuma, rubbing the back of his neck. They saw (y/n) giggle and nod. "How about at my house?", she suggested. That was all that they needed to hear, anymore and Mori and Kaoru would've snapped Yuma in half. Kaoru was crying and Mori was angered, but both calmed after being threatened by Huni. "Lets just wait and see how this plays out?".

Please do suggest stuff, I would like to hear what you want me to put in these chapters or any other characters you would like to suddenly take a liking to your self. I plan on making Kyoya the next even though he is so silent and I haven't mentioned him as much in the story. Will try harder, promise ^o^. Thank ya XD

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