2. Time to meet the host club!

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The short boy approached the you will a large smile on his face. He skimmed the menu board and then ordered. "Can me and Usu-chan please have a hot chocolate and the strawberry cake?". You smiled down at him. "Sure thing". Then he stopped and looked back at the cabinet. "Also the the chocolate cake". A smirk slipped onto your lips. This small boy just ordered 2 entire cakes. Was he going to take them or eat them right here? He gave you a 100 dollar bill and smiled. "Keep the change", he said in his adorable voice. You giggled, what a strange boy.

You completed his order making the milk in the hot chocolate form the shape of his rabbits face. You placed the drink down them brought over the 2 entire cakes. He smiled then devoured them. It had only been 2 minutes and when you looked back both cakes were gone. And there sitting at a table in front of the window was a smiling boy with a face covered in chocolate and strawberries. You giggled and he smiled back at you, before walking up to the counter. "Hi my name is Mitsukuni Huni-nozuka", he said with a large grin on his face and strawberries between his teeth. Your facial expression suddenly changed and you bowed. Wow you had just met the well know heir of the Huni-nozuka family. "Such an honour to meet you", you said before looking back at him. "My name is (f/n) (l/n) ", your voice shook as you spoke. He smiled and bowed back. "Nice you meet you (y/n)-chan".

After bringing Huni more cakes, you sat down next to him and began to talk. He too went to Ouran academy and he told you about all of his friends and his host club. This was brand new to you. What was a host club? Luckily Huni explained it,  just a bunch of fake flirting and screaming fan girls. Your thoughts were them interrupted by Huni. "(y/n)-chan you should come to the host club after school tomorrow", he suggested. You kindly declined his offer and said you had to work and he took it better than you though, he smiled and suggested another time so you accepted. You would go on Wednesday.

Your conversation was interrupted by the door's bell. 'Ding'. In came a tall boy with short, dark brown / black hair. (IDK sorry XD). He walked over to Huni and spoke in his deep masculine voice. "Come on Mitsukuni, we have to go now", he stated. Huni sighed, he stood up and before leaving hugged you tightly. "See you tomorrow (y/n)-chan", he giggled. They both left leaving you with pink cheeks in an empty shop. What a day.

After you packed up the shop you started walking home. What a first day. You returned to an empty house but that was normal. Your parents were always travelling around the world for their business. They were currently in Brazil trying to buy a coffee plantation. You made dinner, ate and sat on your bed reading your book, while petting your cat, Neko. He purred as you ran your fingers through his (colour) fur. You sighed it had been an hour,  you put your book down, took out you contact lenses and climbed under your blankets, then fell face first into your pillow where you immediately fell asleep.

You woke to the sound of  Neko meowing. He nuzzled your face as you sat up. It was only 10 past 7 and your alarm was suppose to go off in 20 minutes. You stretched before pushing yourself off you bed, putting on your glasses and heading to the kitchen for breakfast. You grabbed your favourite cereal out of the cupboard and began to eat. Neko nuzzled against your leg making you giggle. You then changed and the a car picked you up from your house. The car wasn't a fancy limo yet it was quite expensive, your parents friends driver, Sam, was payed to drop you off at school every day. Not as classy as the others but at least you didn't have to walk. You sat daydreaming in the back seat, but awoke once you had pulled up at school. You were then greeted by a familiar face. "Hiya (y/n)-chan", it was Huni and he had a large grin on his face. He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you  to a spot in the garden where a group of boys were sitting. There was the tall boy from yesterday, another tall one with black hair and glasses, there were two who had orange hair and looked identical, another with brown hair and a feminine looking face and the last was a boy with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They looked over at you, looking you up and down before looking at Huni. "Hi everyone this is (y/n)-chan", a smile spread across his adorable face. The identical boys ignored you and the others just stared. The only one who spoke was the one with glasses. "You must be the new student, (f/n) (l/n)", he said confidently while scribbling in a black note book. You shyly nodded. He quietly laughed and kept writing. Then one of the identical boys spoke, his tone rude and mocking. "Huni-senpai why have you brought this nerd here?". You stepped back, not only did it hurt but it made you furious. Why did people always treat you this way? You sighed, turned around and started walking away. They all watched your back as you left. All except Huni, he walked beside you and turned back giving a disappointed look at them all. The feminine one gave the boy who spoke a shove and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. This was not your day...

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