21. The Ball

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The school ball was coming up and you were so nervous, who were you going to take. You sat in your room with Neko on your lap. "If only I could take you, aye buddy", you giggled. He purred loudly and nuzzled into your stomach. You smiled down at him, then picked him up, placing him on the bed beside you. You stood up and began looking through all of you clothes, not a single appropriate dress. You sighed and headbutted the wall in annoyance. You pulled away and rubbed your now aching forehead, you had hit it a little harder than you had meant to. You pulled your phone from you pocket and called Hana.

(H- Hana, Y- You)
H- Hey (y/n)
Y- Hey Hana, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to shop for a ball dress
H- um yeah sure, OI SHUT UP, sorry not you (Y/n)
Y- *Giggle* Who is it?
H- Oh its my idiot brother
(You could here Yuma yelling in the background)
H- I will come pick you up in 10
Y- Okay see ya
H- Bii

You couldn't help but giggle, you had now gotten to know Hana more and you were really happy about it. It was the first time you had seen her smile back in the coffee shop. It had been a while since then and school was about to start. It was Saturday and school started back on Monday. You were really enjoying the freedom but also kinda missed your class mates and such. Then there was a gentle knock at the door. You aunt stood in the door way with Sakura by her side, a serious look on her face. "Please make sure that there are no fights this time". You nervously nodded and pulled Sakura into a hug. You aunt left and waved to the two of you, before getting into the car with her husband and drove off. I closed the door and walked hand in hand with Sakura into the kitchen. I poured us cup of (fruit) juice each and sat on the couch next to her. "Do you want to go dress shopping Sakura?", you asked. She gently nodded and smiled, pulling her mouth from the cup. The (color) of the juice had made mustache like line on her upper lip. I couldn't help but giggle. I did the same and made myself a juice mustache and Sakura laughed as I pulled a silly face. "Cousin promise Sakura you won't get hurt". You looked down at her with sad eyes. "I promise I will not get hurt". She jumped up and hugged you, making you almost spill your juice, then she gave you a wet, juicy kiss on the cheek.

Ten minutes later Hana came by and picked us both up. "Who are you taking to the ball?", I asked hoping she got the hint. It was true that she did like Kasanoda, she was just to afraid to say anything. "No one", she relied, red faced. "Is there anyone you want to take you to the ball?", You asked. She smirked. "How about you, your always hanging out with the hosts, are you taking any of them?", she questioned. My mind went blank, you had had moments with all of them, but you had no idea who you wanted to take. You wanted Mori, but then Kaoru, Tamaki, Kyoya even Huni. (A/n: Hikaru is for Haruhi, I ship it!!!!!). All of these boys had won your heart over but you didn't really think of any of them in a romantic way. "So are you gonna answer me?", she asked impatiently. "Well I'm not going with anyone, I'm to shy to ask anyone, I'm just gonna see who asks me". She nodded in agreement, but I knew she secretly wanted to go with Kasanoda.

With the boys
The host walked around town, today they were hanging out with Kasanoda. They all sat down in a cafe to have a drink. "So Kasanoda who are you taking to the ball?", asked Tamaki. His cheeks grew red and he looked down at his fidgeting hands. "Well I wanted to ask Hana but I'm too scared she will say no". Tamaki fan girl screamed. "SO KAWAII". The others gave him a strange look. "You should ask her, I bet she will say yes", assured Haruhi. Kasanoda nodded. "Who are all you guys going with?", he asked the hosts. They all stopped in silence. "I'm taking (Y/n)",yelled Kaoru. "No your not", interrupted Mori. "Alright men we are going to have ourselves a scavenger hunt, first person to find (Y/n) gets to ask her to the ball". The host nodded and left Kasanoda and Haruhi by themselves. Haruhi's phone buzzed. "Hana and (Y/n) are going dress shopping, do you wanna come, you can ask Hana then?", suggested Haruhi. He swallowed hard and nodded. The two walked out of the cafe and caught a car to the mall.

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