18. The competition

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You woke up with Neko sleeping soundly on your chest. You stretched and moved him off and pushed your self off of the bed. You yawned and pet Neko, stroking your fingers through his (color) fur. He purred and nuzzled into your hand, you walked into the kitchen and filled his bowl with food and then began making some for yourself. You made yourself blueberry waffles and cream. You smiled at the sweetness of the syrup and ate six in total. You went to have a shower. When you came out you needed to get your phone from the lounge and seven familiar faces were there. They all turned and looked to see what was happening and it happened. The boys fell back on the ground, wiping the blood from their noses. You had just gotten out of the shower and were only wearing a towel. You ran into your room and got changed, you wore a white shirt with blue sleeves and jean shorts. You slowly walked back into the lounge where the guys hid their embarrassed faces. Haruhi was laughing hard, the boys were such dorks. I stood in the lounge door way and sighed. "What do you guys want?", you asked in an irritated voice. Kaoru stepped forward with a proud smile on his face. "We wanted to hang out with you". You shrugged. "Sorry can't". You saw their puppy dog eyes stare in your direction. "But why (Y/n)-chan, me and Usu-chan wanted to hang out with you", he cried while pulling at your shirt. You sighed again. "Fine, but it can only be one of you".

You had a plan, a way to get the hosts to do some of your baking for you. They all intensely stared at you. "What do you mean only one of us?", questioned Hikaru. You gave them a mischievous smile and rubbed your hands together in an evil fashion. "Who ever can bake me the best cake gets to hang out with me for the rest of the day". You saw the disappointment in the twins eyes, they had to work separately. This was going to be great, less work for you and more time to play video games with who ever wins. "Where are we going to do it?", questioned Kyoya. "You only seem to have one oven". You had already thought that through, you were all going to go down to the cafe and do it. "We are gonna do it in the cafe". The boys sighed but followed your lead. They called a car and you were driven down to the cafe.

You opened up and stood in front of the boys and Haruhi. "OK so there will be two winners first then there will be a final to determine who I'm gonna hang out with". They nodded and scrolled through their phones already looking for recipes. "The winners of the first round will be for the best taste and the best decorated and the last rounds one is a secret". You gave them all one hint, so at anytime they could ask you to help with one thing. You waited at the cash register and noticed Kyoya, he was sitting next to the window. You sat next to him. "Why aren't you taking part in the competition Kyoya?". He smirked and adjusted his glasses. "(Y/n) I know what your trying to do, your trying to get us to do your job for you". You gave him a nod and a smile and walked over to the coffee machine to make one for Kyoya. He was very smart and he knew exactly what I was trying to pull off. I made the coffee and walked it over to Kyoya, leaving it on the table beside him, then walked back into the kitchen to check on the boys. They were all making their cake batters, you smiled and returned to work.

Time skip

An hour later the time was up and the hosts presented their cakes. Haruhi made one that looked like a flower, Huni made one that looked like Usu-chan, Mori made one that looked like a carrot, Tamaki made one in the shape of a heart and the twins made identical cakes, both an emoji with its tongue poking out. You tasted all of the cakes and then made your final decision. "The best decorated cake goes to..... Haruhi". Haruhi ran up to you and gave you a hug. You gave an evil grin to the rest, who was the second going to be. "And the best tasting cake goes to..... also Haruhi". You guys hugged again and spun round in circles. Tamaki started growing mushrooms in the corner and Huni was staring sadly at his creation. You carried the hosts cakes out into the front and put them in the food cabinet.

Later that day all of the hosts cakes were sold, you had gotten a lot of customers that day. Mainly girls though, where ever there were hosts there were annoying fan girls. But it was really good, they bought a ton of stuff. You locked up the shop at the end of the day and said good bye to the boys. Some of them tried to follow you back to your house but after a lot of fist waving and threats they left you and Haruhi in peace. It was really strange because you and Haruhi hadn't really ever hung out by yourselves, but it all went well. When you got home you cooked you both dinner and ate snacks while watching a bunch of movies. Neko had really taken a liking to her and sat peacefully on her lap. That night I slept on one half of my bed and Haruhi on the other. I didn't mind sharing as the spare room was being renovated and she was only a girl. You had had great fun that day and couldn't wait for your next opportunity to mess with the hosts.

The New Girl (OHSHC x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant