
5.9K 141 38

Hello guys, it's been almost a whole year since I updated this story. This last year has been so hectic. My dad left, friend drama, bad relationships, mental health shit, school, and other things but I'm not here to give excuses for my absence. IM HERE TO WRITE! School has ended for me so I am totally free. You'll start seeing weekly updates starting with chapter 6 tonight!!

I know after a year hiatus this story will be nowhere as popular but it's still my baby so I will freaking finish it.

I love everyone who has been so supportive and I'm so sorry for not updating. Thank you for getting this book to almost 10k views at only 5 chapters like holy cheesiest.

Also, I'm working on a Bruce and Clark fic as well as a Hal and Barry fic.

Once again thanks for the support for this book :) And smile for the camera.

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