Chapter 6

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Dick had been for hours night laying on his bed not being ale to sleep. He was staring up at his ceiling because something was bothering him. He kept on feeling his heart jump every time he was around Wally.

Every time he thought about the boy's smile Dick's could feel his lips would curl up as well. And Wally in a that tank top showing off his muscle. Dick might have glanced at the older teens figure more than once.

He has had crushes before but only minor ones that lasted a week or two. But this feeling he had right now in his chest, he had never felt it before. He just couldn't get Wally out of his head no matter how he tried.

"Stupid feelings" Dick rolled around to mutter into his pillow.


Dick's eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light shining in through his window. He turned his head from facing the wall to his clock on his bedside table. 1:36pm.

He groaned stretching his arms out then reached over beside his clock to check his phone.

Two messages from ''Wally' 9:01 AM

Yo Dick you busy today?

I was thinking we should meet up later to find out more about our aquatic friend.


Message sent 1:38 pm

Dick messaged back with a single word still half asleep. Once Dick put his phone back down to go to the bathroom he heard it vibrate.

I'll meet you at the pizza place at 3

Message received 1:38 pm

"I see you decided finally to wake up Dick" The teen heard a brooding voice speaking to him. He turned around to see Bruce leaning against his room's door frame wearing a loose plain white t-shirt and sweatpants holding a cup of steaming hot coffee. Dick stood up from his bed rubbing the crust from his eyes.

"If I sleep enough I'll be bigger than you one day you know." Dick retorted jokingly. Bruce Scoffed.

"You want to join Clark and I for lunch?" He asked.

"I'm going out with Kid Flash again today. A week isn't very much time to collect a lot of data and learn about daily habits and what not. We need to make the most of it." Dick explained.

"Like going out for a night stroll on the beach?" Bruce said raising his eyebrow.  Dick did his best to hide his blush from Bruce. "Look Dick, it's not my business who you hang out with. I trust you. Just know if you need to talk to me about anything I'm here."

Dick nodded not really knowing how to respond to that. Bruce left Dick's room closing the door behind him to give the boy some privacy. As Bruce closed the door Alfred came out of hiding with a grin on his face.

"You did well Sir," Alfred said.

"He's growing up Alfred. All I can do now is support what his does."


To avoid the annoying paparazzi Dick always wore a hat, sunglasses, and a black face mask when going out. The mask is meant for sick people but hey, it covered half of his face and did a good job at it.  He was used to growing up in the limelight because of being a Flying Grayson but being the son of Bruce Wayne was way more challenging.

Dick was always pitied. The media portrayed him to be a circus freak who was taken in by a sympathetic billionaire. He had learned how to ignore it but was times like these which particularly spiked his anger. There were reporters outside surrounding his front gate like a group of hungry predators waiting for lunch.

There's no way I can get out of this without being trampled alive Dick thought to himself. He pulled his phone out to call Wally to tell him he would be late.

"Hey Wally, I might run a bit late. Reporters have swarmed Wayne Manor today" Dick told him while flipping off the paparazzi. "Get a life!" He yelled angrily at them.

"Hmmmmm that's not good. I have a plan though. Walk to your backyard. Don't ask any questions."  Wally said in a mischievous tone before hanging up. Dick trusted Wally enough to listen to him and walk cautiously to his backyard. 

In a blink of an eye, Wally had whisked them away. Dick didn't even know where the two of them ended up. "Pretty cool trick eh. always impresses the ladies" Wally winked at him.

"You massive. Idiot." Dick said confusing the speedster. "First of all put me down" Dick grumbled. Wally didn't even realize was still holding the smaller boy in his arms.

"Oops, sorry" he apologized putting Dick down on the ground then not knowing what to do awkwardly patted his head which just aggravated the boy wonder even more.

"Second, do you really think Bruce Wayne, one of the richest men in the world, wouldn't have set up a security system," Dick asked.

"Double oops?"

"Third, where are we?" Dick asked looking around at his surroundings. They definitely weren't in Gotham anymore. The air didn't reek of crime and corruption. Dick was sure they weren't in the middle of nowhere though. They were in the big city.

"Welcome to Central City, my friend. You're on my turf now" Wally exclaimed with a smile. "Home of the one and only Flash."

"Batman is better" Dick muttered under hiss breathe. "Anyways I thought we were going to stalk Aqua Lad today and last time I checked Missouri isn't very close to Atlantis."

"Alright, you got me there Mr. Detective. I just thought it would be fun for us to enjoy the fair" Wally admitted.

"Fair?" Dick raised his eyebrow.

"Ya, there's a fair that comes to town every year and stays for a week and today was the last day so last night I put on my thinking cap and thought 'I should bring Dick' " Wally said in excitement with a childish type of joy.

"My whole childhood was a fair. I was raised in a circus Wally" Dick reminded him.

"I know but I wasn't there" Wally brought up before giving him puppy dog eyes that Dick just couldn't turn down.

"What about spying on Speedy and Aqua lad?"

"You think we'll always have time to plan for an attack? Bad guys aren't going to call a month in advance to warn us about their attack. Just live in the moment Dick" Wally pleaded his case and Dick gave in.

This was going to be the start to a very eventful night.


So sorry for the wait. Next chapter will be out tomorrow or the day after and like always hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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