Chapter 13 - You Can Try.

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Knowing that you were being watched 24/7 was not as great as the Kardashians make it out to be. How are they able to consistently live their lives in front of cameras? I can barely stand walking through the streets without feeling like everyone is looking and judging me. 

"Lottie!" I jumped at the sudden outburst from Mitchell. His breathing was deep, had he ran a marathon? "I need your help, I, God have mercy. I need your help on this new project." 

We were currently in the process of trying to sort the biggest concert that we have ever thought of. I was a celebration of all our artists coming together and performing a few songs just to get their names out into the world and get some more hype. Mitchell was engaging with producers overseas, not that we wanted to lose our artists but sometimes it is easy to collaborate with other companies to just get the world out of our company and our talent. 

"What is wrong Mitchell? Has Kemps not come back to you yet? I told you, it takes longer than a day for them to reply" I teased. He kept getting worked up as he was not getting the response immediately, and for someone who has been in this business for so long, he should really know not to expect so much from overseas companies. 

"No, it isn't that. I can't seem to find the paperwork for the Majesty Records and a couple others. Help me find them please." I couldn't say no to him. I mean, I could but this was kind of an important event for our company, and I needed to make sure that I had all the legal requirements for this event to go forth. 

Walking down the corridors towards the main offices, I noticed people were looking at me with grins and whispering to one another. "Mitchell, why is everyone looking?" 

Twisting his body in the direction of the others, he shrugged his shoulders and continued on with his mission. Coming to the front of the office, Mitchell opened the door and ushered me in before slamming it closed behind me. 

"Mitchell! What the hell dude! What are you doing?!" I smacked the door, tried the handle multiple times and even attempted to kick the door down at one point but nothing worked. To make matters worse, I could hear him chuckling behind the door. Asshole. 

"I'll see you later Lottie." I smacked the door again as I heard his footsteps fade into the distance. Asshole. 

"Lottie Acosta." Jase's voice piped up from the dimly lit room. 

I squinted in an attempted to see him, "Jase? What are you doing here?" He slowly emerged from the corner, wearing a fitted suit with a bouquet of beautiful roses. "Oh wow" I breathed out. 

"Lottie, I know that this isn't the most romantic setting to do something like this, but for some reason, all I ever see you doing is working, going to to the gym or sleeping. Therefore I am taking this small opportunity of stolen time to ask you a very important question." 

I watched Jase slowly get down on one knee and place the roses next to him, my hands flew to my mouth. This had to be a joke. 

"Now, Lottie. I am not asking you to marry me, I feel like this is not a particularly good place, time or area to ask a question like that. Plus, I am still working out the finer details." He winked at me as he pulled out a small ring box. "But I would like you to accept this promise ring. This is to say that you will forever be by my side in some of my darkest times and in return I will be with you in your darkest times."

He opened the box to reveal a beautiful pure silver band. Immediately I nodded my head, knowing that this was going to be the best for the both of us in the long run. "Absolutely." He carefully removed the ring from the box and placed it on my right ring finger. 

"Jase, I promise to be there whenever, where ever." I pulled him up into a loving hug and quickly kissed him with work slowly invading my mind again. "But at this point in time, I must go and carry on with my projects. Along with smacking a certain Mitchell." I hugged him one last time before exiting the room. 

"I'll see you tonight Lottie." Watching him leave for the elevator, I could help the stupid smile that graced my face. 

Calling for  Mitchell as I came back into my room. Watching the world below was so fascinating, you could see all the tiny people working away with missions on their minds and you could see how awfully busy it got around lunch time. Humanity was a fascinating thing.

"Miss Acosta. How can I be of assistance?" With a smart ass look on his face, Mitchell took a seat in my chair. I bet he felt very proud of himself. 

"Mitchell, if you want to stay in that office that I have, oh-so-kindly, graced you with while you are staying here. I would recommend that you don't waste my time, even if it was a lovely surprise." 

His look never changed, clearly not taking me seriously. "I see that new ring on your finger. Wrong hand though." He was eyeballing my left hand originally for the ring that he clearly knew about, before coming to the quick realisation that it was on my right hand and not the left. 

"It is a promise ring Mitchell. It isn't the right time to get married anyway." I confirmed, pushing him out of my chair I plopped myself down and pulled myself into the desk getting back to work. "Go on now Mitchell, I have shit to do." I smiled up at him as he kissed the top of my head.

"Of course your majesty." And with that, he left the room. Poof. 

To think that we started out with such a serious relationship, there was no fun. It was just business for the both of us fresh off the block entrepreneurs. Looking back at the times that we spend together though, there was never a dull moment even with the very serious side that we started out with. There was never any awkward silence or anything, it was just a peaceful relationship where two parties were able to agree on the majority. 

Looking at the growing pile on my desk, I threw myself back into my work. 

By the time I had finished with half the pile, it was coming close to eight at night, although I wasn't bothered by the time, I was bothered the constant dinging that was emitting itself from my desktop. 

I opened the email application to find 37 unread messages. 

"Nice ring. Would be a shame if something happened to the one who gave it to you."

"You will never be safe my daughter."

"I will find you."

"They cannot protect you forever." 

I exited quickly no longer having a want to read the 32 others if they were just from the same person. There was no point entertaining her if she wanted to scare me she would have to do it some other way. 

No matter, the small threats would not do anything to me. I know that I was protected, it had been guaranteed to me. Although it was dodgy to trust someone I knew nothing about, I still had faith that I was okay. 



I am not a consistent writer. I just write when I feel like it and try to update when I can. I currently have so much free time so we will see how this goes yeah?

Thanks for sticking with me,

Tayla x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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