Chapter 7: Story

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Chapter 7: Story

Those couple days went pretty fast.

After Mitchell broke the news to me about my alive parents, I high tailed it out of there. He didn't even get a chance to begin trying to stop me. I couldn't believe he was saying such shit! I mean, the police found my parents DNA in the charred bodies, so there is no way in hell that they are alive. I mean... It is crazy!

I had finally gotten over the fact that this was the first time Mitch had lied to me when I received a message : Tomorrow. 7am. Sal's Bakery. Marcel has already agreed.

Immediately I knew it was my sister. I mean she is the only one that knew about this date and time besides Marcel. Who else could it possibly be?

That night I wasn't able to sleep. Not one ounce. So instead I played Xbox deciding to let my munchkins have their rest. I know, I know Xbox for me? Yes, Mitchell brought it for my 20th birthday so that I could learn to play, so that when he was over we could verse each other. Don't question it.

At six in the morning I decided I should start getting ready, Sal's Bakery was a weeny while away so it was definitely a good idea for me to get ready way before I had to meet Katrina and Marcel. Dressing in light washed denim jeans and a navy blue singlet paired with navy blue boots, I set food out for both my little pups that were slowly getting not so little.

I was out of my home by quarter past six, I think I did good for time. I arrived at Sal's half an hour and wandered over to an empty stall picking up a breakfast menu I waited. I waited about five minutes before hearing a ding of a bell from the door signalling someone had just walked in.

I turned in my seat to come face to face with Jase. What the hell? I looked up at him puzzled as his eyes roamed the bakery before landing on my face. A smile lit up his face as he saw me, his eyes twinkled and his pace was a little faster then what it usually would be.

He pushed me over so that he was sitting next to me and grabbed my face pulling my head towards his own. I watched as his lips zeroed in on my forehead, I closed my eyes as his lips pressed gently before disappearing away and coming back onto my cheek and then my other cheek. So god damn cute.

"Morning" He smiled brightly while his hands travelled down my arms and then taking hold of my own hands tightly. He squeezed as if not believing he was here and I was here with him, which I was and I always will be if he keeps to his side of the deal and is always truthful towards me.

"Morning. What are you doing here?" I questioned suspiciously looking at him through my eyelashes. My fingers were trying to wind themselves together but Jase keep playing with them trying to calm me, I was slightly nervous.

"I was asked to come and support you by Katrina. Hope you don't mind." He said under his breath as a group of men covered in tattoos walked past, very close to our table. Feeling slightly uncomfortable as their eyes made their way towards us, I pulled Jase closer towards me. That is pretty hard to do with Jase's weight and the little strength that I have.

He looked over to me questionably but complied anyway wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me to him, not that we could get any closer.

We waited for Katrina to show up before ordering breakfast. It reached seven thirty when Marcel walked through the door with a woman on his arm both smiling widely and laughing about something one or other said.

I waved him over and smiled as he sat down with his friend directing a smile towards Jase and I. "Hey Marc." I kicked him under the table and watched as he grimaced in pain. I motioned my head to the woman sitting next to him, she had a glimmer in her dark blue eyes as she looked between Jase and I with a cheeky grin situated neatly on her round face.

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