Chapter 6: No.

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Chapter 6: No.

For two whole weeks, I have been avoiding Jase as much as I can but everywhere I go, he just pops up!

I would be taking Lulu and Monty for a walk and there he is on the other side of the street, watching.. Standing and watching me. I would arrive at work and he would be by the door holding it open for me, in which I walked to the other doors and use them instead. I was getting to the point of calling Mitchell and getting a restraining order against him but then I realised that, that wouldn’t stop him at all.

Arriving at my desk, I decided that emailing Mitch about this wasn’t a bad idea as it made sense for him to help me. A best friend would always help a best friend.



Afternoon Mitchell.

How are we on this loving day? I just got into work so no raging about how I haven’t emailed you yet because here I am.. Emailing you. We need to talk about Jase, not over emails though. You need to come here. Meet me at the front desk at 5 o’clock for dinner, we can got to that cute Mexican place around the corner.

Lottie x

Pressing ‘Send’ I smiled and began doing the work that was left on my desk the night before. After sorting out the mail, work and disks I began going through the letters that were sent to me regarding those who are wanting to start a career whether it be in music, acting or writing.

Sifting through each and every letter is a tedious process but I enjoy doing it. I have always been told to get someone to do it for me but I just don’t see the point in hiring someone when I can do the job myself.

After about 15 letters and disks I found came across a post card that looked to have come from Italy. Turning it over I began to read.


I know that for the past 5 years you have wanted nothing to do with me and you probably still want nothing to do with me but please hear me out on this one. I have found out who did it. I found out who actually killed our parents. I know I wasn’t there with you and Marcel when it happened but please Lottie. I love you so much and I miss your beautiful face. We need to have a family gathering and soon. Lottie, I know you know that I would do anything to have you be the sister that you use to be again, trust me. Please, please just let me talk to you and explain to you why I left when I did. You are now 20 and Marcel 21. I know you both looked up to me and when I ran away from home the light diminished in the both of you. Again, please let me explain. I will be in Wellington on 14th of March. Please meet me at Sal’s Bakery with Marcel at 7am 15th March. Please!

Your sister, Katrina.

Immediately I torn the post card in half and threw it in the bin. I do not have time for that women at all. Marcel on the other hand is a different story. He was so close with Katrina and then she freaking runs off with a man that abused her to no end! Does she seriously think that I will forgive and forget? Never.

The email notification rang signalling Mitchell had replied.




I am well thank you. I was starting to freak out that you were missing work. You never miss work. Work-a-hoooooolic! Sounds great. I shall meet you there.

Bester friend. Mitchell the Magician.

I laughed as I read the end of his email. Classic. Although I have to admit it was true on a very high level.  Sometimes I wonder why.. why is Mitchell Petterson my best friend? And then I remember back to 3 years ago.

Being 17 and in business school is really difficult. Not only am I one of the youngest but I am also the shyest. I don’t interact with anyone and I get picked on every time one of the top jock boys decided that he was bored and need some entertainment.

“Oi! Lottie, Lottie, Lottie!!” Head Jock, Cambell Bishop yelled out through the halls while I was heading to my class. I put my head down and started rushing the five-hundred metres that was left between me and the door.

“Oh no you don’t Lottie.” I felt my arm grabbed and yanked from my body causing my books to fall out of my arms. “Oh no Little Lottie, did you drop your books? Let me help you with that.” By this time I was on the floor trying to collect all of my papers and books.

Cambell once again knocked them out of my hands onto the floor. Great. I stopped trying to stop Cambell and let him do what he wanted. 5 minutes later, I had shredded papers and torn books. I couldn’t understand why he kept tormenting me. I never did anything to him, I only just met him a few months.  No one even tried helping me with picking my shreds up once he left, they just walked on past except for Mitchell Petterson. He was the only one to get on his knees and help me.

Ever since that day we have become inseparable. Sleep overs, pizza nights, movie nights, you name it we have done it. Guaranteed.



See you then.

Your one and only.

I giggled to myself as I sent that. Mitchell hated thinking that out in the world there was someone that was able to control him and have him falling at their feet. It scared him and he hated me saying that.

Once work had finished I rush down to me Mitch. Running out of the elevator I saw Mitchell, still running, in heels might I add, I tackled him into a hug that he wouldn’t be able to remove me from.

“Lot! Do not ever do that again because I will turn around a slap your titties next time. Also, NEVER again end your email like that!!!” Mitchell exclaimed to my whole lobby. I smiled and began the short walk to the restaurant.

After ordering, small talk and a couple drinks I decided that now would be the time to give him the letter. “Lottie, I can’t believe she contacted you. This is in a couple days! She arrives in a couple days! What are you going to do?!” Mitchell has a slight tendency to panic about things and that then panics me and we turn into a panicked couple of people.

“Mitch, calm  down. I will go but only if Marcel is going. I will call him later on tonight and ask him what he knows and whether or not he received a letter also. Don’t fret okay, everything will be fine.” I confirmed, only I didn’t feel so confident about this.

Mitchell wipes his hand down his face before gaining a very serious face and looking into my eyes. “Lottie, I need to tell you something and you must promise not to blow your top at me.” I nodded in understanding and waited for him to continue.

“Well, I know you told me not to go snooping but I did anyway.” I went to protest only to be stopped with a glare. “Jase never lit the fire, he got there a few minutes before the police, ambulance and fire engine. I agree you need to go to see Katrina. She will tell you all.” He looked at me with worry and sadness. I watched as his shoulders slumped in relief that he had gotten it off his chest.

“Then who was it?” I asked after a good length of time.

“Your parents. They are alive.” End of conversation.

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