Chapter 8 : The Walking Dead.

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Chapter 8 : The Walking Dead. 

After breakfast, Jase took me home. I didn't know what to do. I felt horrible that I forced myself to believe that he had done something for so long and he was just a victim in my parents sick game.

I had ended up crying the whole way there, imagine that. I was the leader of one of the most powerful businesses in the world and here I was sobbing like a baby. It has been five years since that day and I guess I will never fully be able to understand what happened that night even with the story. Through-out the rest of the day I continuously apologised to Jase, cried and slept. I was such a mess.

Later that day, Jase walked out from the kitchen with a bowl of caramel popcorn and two large glasses of orange juice, this sparked my interest immediately. I loved caramel popcorn. Sitting up and stretching out my limbs I smiled at Jase from the comfort of the couch. "Thank you so much for doing this for me Jase, I don't know how I will repay you." I took the glasses and set them down on the glass table in front of us, followed by the bowl.

"You don't." Jase answered simply, watching the screen as Daryl slammed the zombie in the eye with his arrows. So yummy. "What are we even watching?" He frowned as the blood splattered over Daryl's face.

"Have you never seen The Walking Dead before?!" I shook his arm forcefully, my dreary mood forgotten. "Okay, we are going from the very start! Season splurge time!" Screaming I ran to collect the first season disc and shoved it into the slot. Clicking 'Play All' the first episode began.

I rushed as fast as I could towards the couch and jumped towards my spot which coincidentally was where Jase decided to position himself. Landing with an oomph, I wriggled around so that he was out of my seat and sitting next to me. I was pretty much sitting on him, only in my spot.

My eyes focussed immediately to the man on the screen as he shoots a young walker in the head, totally unaware to the out-spark that has begun. "This man here, Rick Grimmes, is brilliant! He single handedly takes on the walkers an- Oh shit, sorry! Just watch!" I wriggled even more, excitement over taking my body.

"So this show is good?" Jase furrowed his eyebrows watching the hands that were trying to break open the hospital doors marked 'DON'T OPEN. DEAD INSIDE'.

I nodded keeping my eyes concentrated on Rick as he made his way out the hospital bay and onto the streets. The look on his face told it all, he had absolutely no idea what had happened while he was asleep.

By the end of the first season Jase was actually interested in my all-time-go-to-show which was brilliant because it meant we could watch the rest together! I watched as Jase's eyes grew larger at the site of the walkers hoard that followed behind the group.

"Turn around! There is a bunch of walkers behind you and you aren't running! What is wrong with you?!" I watched Jase yell at the screen in amusement, never had I seen him so into something before unless it was his video games or football.

I jumped at the sudden shrill of my phone. Watching the clock hit ten, I wondered why so late at night someone would call.

"Lottie Acosta speaking, how can I help?" I answered to the unknown caller. "Hello? Anyone there?"

"I would be aware of everything around you, Lottie. Especially that boy." And then the line went dead, the eerie beeping noise that follows when being on the phone for too long. I knew my face had paled when Jase paused the show and started shaking my shoulders attempting to get some sort of reaction from me.

"Lottie! Lottie!" Slowly, the world started forming back together instead of being a fuzzy mess that I was originally seeing. "What's wrong?" Stroking my arms, Jase watched my eyes carefully looking for a response of some sort.

Juvie Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें