I have no idea what I'll do. Sam's my best friend though so I guess I can't do anything about it then... right? It wouldn't hurt to ask and see if it's true.

I finally, hesitantly ask, "Are you and Sam becoming... close?"

"I guess, he's a great person to be around," She shrugs, looking out the window.

What is that suppose to mean? Does she like her or what! She didn't answer the question, c'mon Ashlyn stop being so shady. I gotta push her.

"Right,... well are you guys going to start dating?"

"I don't know, I wouldn't mind if he asked me out though," She grins, slightly.


I'm shocked. 

"Wow, well I didn't see that coming," I yawn, "Don't break his fragile heart if you date my best friend."

"Don't break my best friend's fragile heart, because you're dating her now," She says back.

Ugh, just because I'm dating her doesn't mean she'll have a broken heart when we break up. Plus, how could I break her heart? Why does she care? Doesn't she like, hate Ellie right now because she caught us the other night? How stupid.

"Girls are so strange," I shake my head, "One second they're hating each other and the next, they're defending each other."

"What's that pose to mean?" She furrows her eyebrows and it was cute. 

"When guys get pissed, we get pissed. Then if somebody asks us about who we're pissed about, we tell them why they suck." I say. 

It's as simple as that, it's not hard to understand, Ashlyn. God you're annoying.

"Do you do that?" She asks.

"I'm a guy, so yeah." 

Again, she's so dumb sometimes, I literally just implied that.

"Do you even do that to your best friend?" She interrogates.

Oh god, do I? Sam can be kinda, I don't know, irrational and I did get upset and tell Corey and Gabe but like, it wasn't a big deal.

"No- uh sometimes I guess..." I say, cautiously.

"You talked crap behind Sam's back to Gabe and Corey!" She gasps.

Fuck her smartness, how'd she put the pieces together? Wait, how'd she know I hung out with them! Sam...

"No, I hung out with Gabe and Corey, and we just talked about him," I try to persuade.

"Wrong, you. Right, me. Stop lying, you asshole. Guys are as petty as girls," She accuses.

I shake my head in disbelief. Ya know, fuck her.

"So what, in the end we never mean it and it wasn't even mainly about him," I say, now taking a few looks at her every now and then to catch her reaction

"But still, Colby." She glares at me and I catch her. 

She's cute when she's mad sometimes but other times just plain annoying. God, I like her a lot. 

No I don't. I like Ellie. 

You like Ellie, Colby. 

Back on subject, defend yourself.

"It mainly wasn't about Sam, there was another person involved that I talked about!"

"Whatever, Brock." She continues to watch the palm trees and houses pass by, out the window.

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